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Everything posted by hawkhigh

  1. i want to go lamping...............

    1. paulus


      i want to win the lottery.....

    2. The Duncan
  2. My new 7ft x 7ft x 7ft home made ladder trap
  3. Hi all my brother has just move up around Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire on a farm that he said he had seen deer a lot now I'm going up for the new year and got the rights on his farm what am I likly to find in deer and are there boar?? Take Care Merry Christmas AllÂ
  4. yeh thanks for the tips if i use dog or cat food how do i set the pulley mechanism? do i bag it up on the wire ? also walked around field other day only to find the farmers top tup laid dead in another hedge back same field ,only fresh and ive not been up since to find out if its been attacked by charlie so i m not convinced my trap will work till the farmer clears it away ps my mate has had one weekend gone and his bait was totally rotten and hardly out left just carcass and bone so i'll just have to wait and see ,also one has been knocked over on the main road 2 fields away so i co
  5. Just 3 and had the bird on the day and missed them all
  6. the weather is not a problem you mite want to try rabbit or you can try dog or cat meat i fine thats good. try baiting way from the trap not far 10ft for aweek then bait in the trap. See how you go. Good luck mate. Marry Chrismas Hawkhigh
  7. Work was fun but hunting with the bird was great

  8. :0( work tomorrow great!!!!

  9. Well!! There are some that like it and some that hate it.................. Great Time of the year but YES!! for the fcukin BOSS all this SH#T about not getting payed for not comimg in due to the snow you will have to take you leave...... Well i'm going out in it tomorrow and see what happens. sorry the work van is a vw caddy jok! Last 4 Year i have had a ford ranger great for this weather...
  10. Well that best toy i have ever had............ love it and i'm going to book a trip abroad to put it to the test and see what it can do well it a Kodiak outdoors Draw weight 50-60 draw length 26.5-30.5 and i'm using Eastons hunter Well have all take care and safe hunting Hawkhigh Merry Chrismas All
  11. Hawkhigh is a Daddy at long last to a little girl born 7 weeks ago

    1. Mastiff



    2. Lab


      happy days.....;-)

    3. hawkhigh


      deerhound you got that right. lol


  12. what fun and what a good filling you get when things like this happen i have trapped now 3 rats 5 time all in the T-Rex traps and 3 in the Fenn Mk4 once and 3 twice in a cage trap and all have been a mix bag of ages. Just have some pic's not all but just some as i have losed a lot of my pics thank to the lovely thing call an iphone. Have a great season & Merry Chrismas to All Hawkhigh
  13. Hi Mate You always have something to say why not dispatch the fox there and then... as you can see it has been nice outside and people are now starting to do work in the garden so the last thing i want is a 22 rolled straying. but i'll say one thing to you safety first i work with it and i work along side it (safety first for me and the customer and the the people around me, the garden and the weapon) Sorry if that is wrong in your eye but by the sound of it you just like to shoot the fox not thinging of who is watching or where the rollen gose. Well take care not
  14. Hi Mate You always have something to say why not dispatch the fox there and then... as you can see it has been nice outside and people are now starting to do work in the garden so the last thing i want is a 22 rolled straying. but i'll say one thing to you safety first i work with it and i work along side it (safety first for me and the customer and the the people around me, the garden and the weapon) Sorry if that is wrong in your eye but by the sound of it you just like to shoot the fox not thinging of who is watching or where the rollen gose. Well take care
  15. dog food with a bit of a smell it works lovely. Because i didn't have the other trap at hand it was on a job 25miles away so i had to do with the folding and i didn't think it would do that. lol Well take care you 2
  16. Hi All Had acall to trap a Fox so i put my new trap to work and wish i didn't its a folding trap and it is sht. I Put it down friday, checked it sat and the door was down BUT NO FOX then i see the the fox had broke out the door. The running bars the had the drop bar that hold the door shut had been bent out and the door was free to open. done a bit of a fix and set the trap. went back sunday and the samething had happend so once again i fix it set it and got on with my day. so come this morning i went to check and the door was up. re-baited around and went to dill with some rat i
  17. i pm'd him at the first post and he'd said hes sorted it mate YOU WANT SORTING OUT SER, DO YOU SER LoL is he still alive Talk soon mate
  18. onley seen sparrow & odd buzzard why dont they eat all the bird when i have found hawked pigon they been pulled to bits sparrow then mate they brake the neck with there beck but it will only eat it if it fills safe and they will eat the brest or head not all of it but a buzz will but it will not kill it as itis to quick
  19. well from what the spudd farm said us brits have no fcuk hope thanks
  20. well mate it sound's like pere but i don't know what type of bird of pray you get round your way. well good luck with your invest
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