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Everything posted by huntingGANG

  1. i dont mind eaither just think jills bolt em better and a iant done ferreting for a while just lamping and shooting just got some permision for ferretig only so need sum ferrets
  2. some one must be able to help im in desperate need of two jill ferrets

  3. can any of you people help me as a am in desperate need of two jill ferrets as i have just got some new permision and no foooking ferrets so in desperate need and would be verry gratefull
  4. use one ferret as much as you like but it not right on the ferret though as it will be f****d if it is doingg big warrens HG
  5. any free ferrets in north east area cheer

  6. he looking for about 800 hundred lads and a arent sure if it got tax a just going to see him now so will up date with millage and weather it got tax but defo got test
  7. whos a anti i can prove im not can you lol ya cock every one will believe ya

  8. anybody fancy helpin me get a photo on keeps saying too large

    1. bleachtastesnice


      soz mate, cant help, have you tryed getting them on photobucket first?


  9. a years mot and a years tax and middlesbrough and make me a offer
  10. 2.0l tdi vauxhaul vectra for sale just had new fuel pump four new tires just been valeted excellent condition open to offers not sure on milage will let ya no tomorrow thanks hunting GANG
  11. my niegbours a scruff got rats the size of cats in his garden

  12. shooting rats in nieghbours garden good fun

  13. i bouht same one for 250 with docking station and a years insurance not bad piece of kit
  14. just shot woody of house roof ferret food now

  15. cheep rifles wanted or shooting rats

    1. james allan magee

      james allan magee

      hi i have a cheap air arms s310 4 sale scope bag pellets and a fillen adaptor i will take 230 no less

  16. some 1 must have some cheap rifles for shooting rats

    1. dafydd23


      i have a smk 2.2 with scope all it need is scope mounts


  17. personally i think they are top for ferreting small and nippy quick of the mark spot on for ferreting in my opinion
  18. swap terrier for lamp + battery

  19. hi just asking if any body needs a hand with rabbits as a need some permision a can do ferreting lamping terrier work and a can also offer protection from trespasers on your land my dogs are totally broke to all stock (sheep,cows,horses,chickens,geese,ducks)etc i would be verry gratefull for any replies
  20. get a load of large barbed fishing hooks on some line and stretch it along youre garden and that will slow the little c**t down till u get out there
  21. yeh lot of people do that and like he stated only has a 15 foot sticker on it but it is a 8 foot box read
  22. how far is kent from middlesbrough mate
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