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Everything posted by MilusBar

  1. ay up not sure if that comment meant for me as i dont go down leicester sure that not for bacon?

  2. Now then Wayne we gotta wait till we get on hounds account gotta be activated first how long does that take mate!!

  3. pretty hard see who it is with no pic pal so long time no see ay mate,a clue would help!!!

  4. Thanks for the advice guys, I'll check them out on there now, been looking for a good net for ages...
  5. Hi, I'm trying to find some good waterproof gear for all round hunting, need to find one which does child sizes too as my lad is starting to come with me and so good value would also be nice :-) Any help would be appreciated, thanks...
  6. Not heard much of them myself pal, I'm saving for Irish Setters myself, about the best you can get, check them out...! ;-)
  7. Is an Innocent Man !!

    1. MilusBar


      Is still an innocent man haha

  8. now then bacon sez ayup :-)

  9. have seen the mother run for two season's now regular killer seen this dog kill three off one slip,had a pup off this litter myself,excellent breeding blockpaver :-)
  10. all that lampin and no sun makes your dog not want to run ha ha

  11. all them dogs and not 1 picture very dissapointing rnt they killin anythin lol

  12. Ay up Wayne you ok mate,went in the chatrooms last nite got speakin to DottyDoo told him about the pups he was goin tell his mate and ave a look on Rains profile,you had any response mate?see you sunday :-)

  13. Whats up with you got nothing say pal :-)are you out this sunday then mate and how is the pup doing?mine cumin on great second jab 2moz,add me as a friend u muppett.

  14. eh up mate paul ere

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