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Everything posted by MoChara

  1. this is where I got a bit stuck, I was told to plant them (Apple trees) no later than end of April. If I find out different I'll be going and getting some oddities to plant
  2. Oh hard one this! Got a Yamaha scrambler for Christmas once, bloody great surprise that was. I Had it for years! Or - Maggie May, went away to Galway for her on my 19th birthday
  3. This s**t.. I'd happily kick him and his song up and down the road asshole!
  4. it's a nice thought thinking years and years down the line there's new people out picking from stuff you planted years and years before. Great stuff Aldi an Lidl were both doin fruit trees for about 4 quid back in March/April. B&M were sellin them off at the end of April for a quid each. Fruit bushes even cheaper! Just try to spend the rest of the year thinking where you could stick one or two and then next year make that small effort and get it done..! And try to put sommat 'different' in, damsons, sloes, green guages etc... feck it... whatever!! I've done it local for the last five y
  5. id take Donna too but if you mean me as we'll your wired up to the moon you. Not wise never made no wine in my life! Good on you Donna sounds great
  6. Nah, last year I was laid up with sun stroke. And I wasn't even sunbathing Not worth it, I'll stay pastey white thanks!
  7. Can't stand it. Heat and sun and me do not mix well. Nothing worse than sitting sweating like a pregnant nun especially at bed time. Dogs hate it, got a slightly sunburnt pig already.! Roll on winter I say!
  8. it's a nice thought thinking years and years down the line there's new people out picking from stuff you planted years and years before. Great stuff
  9. stupid bugger. And that's only the first one I saw. The rest were proper horror stories so I could of been a massive asshole in this case but I was good
  10. Had to your screwed! http://commonhealth.wbur.org/2014/10/chia-seed-alert-superfood-yes-but-they-landed-one-man-in-the-er
  11. Ah dear... Duck up and over with the rest today to eat first time in a while. Fed them went back in to give them water and out runs old moody broody. She went away up to the water for a swim with the others so took the opportunity stuck gloves on and went out to candle a couple of the eggs that were in the nest, been worried one looked to have a weird shell and wasn't going to candle or go near at all but needed that one checked. First one - blank Second one - blank thought well this is crap. So done one more - blank. Damn it. Just left the rest as I didn't want to be over at them too much.
  12. Some people are like clouds, once they f**k off its a beautiful day!
  13. I'm just not right in the head cm - who in their right mind would get all these different oddities even had a nosey at alpacas last week Step away from the alpacas and rheas Nicole ...
  14. I'll go halfers with you WILF, I'll keep my pigs and all on my size you keep your sheep on other
  15. trust me lukey - where there's silence there's been annoyance.You thank yourself lucky you don't get the silent treatment, that's a whole lot worse try 8 weeks of it not just one eather not good so it's not. I agree with bird on his above post kick that one to the kerb and crack on Unless it's the chick with the pig - then you thrive the pig and run like f**k errm yes its the chick with the pig don't know why spell check put thrive in there lmfao I meant grab the pig and run Can't beat a bit of pork on the BBQ
  16. trust me lukey - where there's silence there's been annoyance.You thank yourself lucky you don't get the silent treatment, that's a whole lot worse try 8 weeks of it not just one eather not good so it's not. I agree with bird on his above post kick that one to the kerb and crack on Unless it's the chick with the pig - then you thrive the pig and run like f**k
  17. trust me lukey - where there's silence there's been annoyance. You thank yourself lucky you don't get the silent treatment, that's a whole lot worse
  18. You should, cm. I'm bloody raging I can't do a hatch until I see what's happening with these duck eggs I had a white rhea ordered from England being brought to NI with around 20 others but didn't work out cause they can't be by themselves and at 200 per one plus travel to get the shits it's not working out. Sooooo, will have to wait and hatch out some maybe next year, we will see
  19. no no no... If I ask once for him to do it, I'll not be asking again.I don't ask twice, if a man doesn't listen the first time, I'll go on and do the job or whatever myself.. BETTER FOR THAT MATTER Yeah but you bring it up later, an start a row, lol ok yeah sometimes
  20. Seeing a mans face after you've done "a mans job" so to speak is priceless. No need to start a row, they already feel like they've been castrated
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