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Everything posted by MoChara

  1. Oh my giddy aunt. Near fell off my chair when I saw that first picture.! Absolutely gorgeous . Stunning
  2. So why have you got a medicine box you can't reach..?.. don't be a balloon now lab. I have all stuff on the bottom shelf it's just an ordinary cupboard - ye eejit
  3. you could well be right .! By day ordinary girl - by night I go put eggs in funny places! Yeah that's the one :laugh:
  4. Nope I'm the only one who deals with all things animal here, rather it be pigs or collecting eggs. So wasn't himself. Mystery goes on.....
  5. I wish fellas - I can't reach even the two top shelves never mind top of it. Need camera in there lol
  6. God yous are going back a bit now Only update is.. It's not happened since, have a broody duck sitting on a clutch of eggs other side of shed now and she's been up disturbed. So whatever it was is either dead or never came back Or it's lurking in the bushes somewhere waiting to pounce
  7. really? I like that song animals they do. I never liked them years ago but just recently they've seemed to get better
  8. Nah seriously though. Seen a swallow attacking 2 magpies, went in for a right wee while. Magpies shit themselves and flew away after. Maybe not the oddest thing, but kept me amused for several minutes
  9. Getting messier and messier! AND it's been this since yesterday evening, brown/white duck also sitting on nest Wtf is going on now
  10. I'm saying nothing!!
  11. Love the film, love love the music - so this all mixed in..... FANTASTIC!
  12. ****** Rock 'n' roll America ********* Wanted to let yous know - I'll be watching as mr jerry lee Lewis himself is in it Friday 3 July 9.00pm-10.00pm BBC FOUR
  13. ain't the the Victoria secret model candice.? Looks Very like her lol.
  14. Give to the dogs be sure to worm them afterwards though!
  15. The pain I've been in mo because of the compacted wax has been unreal ,I've been in agony ,it's possibly my own fault for pushing them in to far also . This is my second week off work not a wink of sleep last nightgod love you, must be aching! Funny that my left ear had been sore when I pulled out the earplug few mornings ago. Had it in too far. I push them in as far as possible. Can't sleep without them now, even if he's not snoring.. Flip I'm glad you posted that now, opened my eyes on earplugs! Thanks
  16. Really budharley? Oh dear. I wear earplugs all night every night Been a right 2 years fore now too - himself snores!
  17. Rules are there to be broken fireman - good idea for one maybe with pic from different sections ie: lurchers, game birds, fish, shooting
  18. Great looking black one back of (3rd) pic I like lol. Oh and I'd eat that grub myself
  19. Leant incubator out few weeks back for a duck hatch.. I gave her a few of my magpie eggs to stick in just to fill it up really. The girl hatched out 2 of our wee magpie ducks Seen them 2 nights ago for first time, they're very cute. She's holding on to them as well as a couple of khakis that's hatched too, be great to see them as they grow! I'm a granny now
  20. Ah I know another... We are the cheeky girls - cheeky cheeky.......... Do one, your rubbish!
  21. Would you believe that fecking song just come on 4music. Can't find remote!!
  22. If someone tells you are unable to do something, go do it twice as good. Dont make the same mistake twice. Be different to everyone else - stand out. If you can't reach their face, kick them in the groin
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