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Everything posted by MoChara

  1. lovely colour that bird
  2. Kept his shoes on for some pedal grip - wouldn't want to slip onto the crossbar ! we'll if he fell off the fecking bike the rest of his skin will be red raw so I'm sure he could of tried it He must be one of them naturists - never seen one over here though. If he'd a goatee I'd of swore that was you jig
  3. silly bugger. You'd think if he went as far as to be bare arsed he would have took his socks and shoes off too. Even just the socks. What's the point in going to that extreme to leave your socks on
  4. They earn their money tough job. rest in peace captain Phil I remember sat watching one of the older ones, was jumping off the flipping seat when Sig and northwestern crew got the biggest haul of the season. Them boys all of them need a medal.
  5. My favourite was Phil. I don't know what exactly it was about him, he intrigued me
  6. Having met you your far from thick,one of the best spoken people I've ever met..good job its just the spelling and such I initially wrote about because being from Cumbria my dialect is atrocious,no one can understand me at the best of times so writing and spelling is the easiest way of communication haha folk understand me alright but I'm not sure if it's because I'm so small or what but I sound like a squeaky dog toy apparently especially when I'm angry .! In my head I don't sound like that, then you hear yourself on a video or whatever - move over Dolly Parton
  7. Yes me I love it - although I lost track of it completely. Ended up getting a box set and sat watched them right through. Brilliant show
  8. Here's the link to where blackbriar is on about http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/forum/173-barf-diet/
  9. I don't know how to go about putting a spell check on my phone and write any long posts with the good old Oxford English close to hand... (Though its not close to hand as i write this and i cant spell dictionary!) your lucky though, I can't get spell check off this damn thing. I'm telling you it's possessed it has serious psychological problem does this Example - paulus is Paula's - well is We'll Why do you torture me spell check!!!
  10. it's the text talk gets on my bloody nerves - lyk wtf is dat al aboooot
  11. Know the feeling, Only it's not pups I'm selling. Ive been let down not once, not twice but FOUR times this week alone. They were all go then once I sent my address they disappeared. Won't answer my calls or texts - nothing. I've never worried about getting bloody robbed so much in my life! Sick to my stomach.
  12. I'm normally alright - but I'm telling you my spell check has a mind of its own! hate it
  13. Least your getting answers mister walshie, I got feck all other than I need an exorcist about whatever's going on round here
  14. On a serious note right enough, it must be a hard bloody decision for the men who go ahead with the procedure. I haven't even the heart to castrate the dogs I just won't do it - never mind the fella. Although I'm fecking tempted when he's getting on my nerves
  15. have you tried the search button at the top of the forum? Type in what your after and you might get a bit of luck and have something come up
  16. I've always told himself if he ever wants it done - I've the tools to do it Save a few quid - ill fecking do it myself
  17. Yous call yourselves country men ah no I'm at a loss to what this is aswel. Seriously though would that be possible for a rat or magpie? The way I saw it at that time I thought no way. But stranger things have happened right? Going to try pick up a live trap the mara cause I need to get the bugger, and would like a nosey rather than killing it straight away.
  18. MoChara


    this is what I meant very uncomfortable feeling - also would love to have the nerve to sit in one. I'll give it dig! You can be my older overweight grandfather, I'll pass for teens We will blend! Charming !..................sorry no.....i prefer my women without dirt under their fingernails charming is right, I'll have you know my pinkies are as pedicured as yours miss gnash And that's the last time I'll ever invite you to church ye bugger
  19. will I need a priest to get rid then, trap not getting this fecking thing
  20. No this is not a ghost story and I don't need an exorcism Okay, now I've the ducks in the shed way over the other side of the pigs/dogs. I was putting pigs in yesterday and saw this orange gloopy stuff in their dung, thought they were sick, I looked up saw this same stuff dripping from the inside of a cabinet we keep injections and what not in, so the cabinet is very high up. There was webs all over the opening so I know the doors hadn't been open in a couple weeks. Got himself out to look at it, he opened the door and nothing, looked up to see an old dirty duck egg sitting right on t
  21. MoChara


    this is what I meant very uncomfortable feeling - also would love to have the nerve to sit in one. I'll give it dig! You can be my older overweight grandfather, I'll pass for teens We will blend!
  22. I think so maybe, cause them abductees actually go with the aliens and see about there motor or whatever AND then they speak about these probes. They go into a whole new world of crazy than us who thinks we've saw something
  23. see this is it, we're I get confused. I also believe in logic - I'd try explain things before I'd jump say oh my god there's a ghost! Lol. Then on the other hand in what way will the brain affect a non believer into a person who's just saw something that's against what they think is right and can't explain... I'm soo confused! I know too well the mind plays tricks on you, other wise I'd of saw one of them mutant rats the other week
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