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Everything posted by MoChara

  1. i know one similar lol Champagne taste with a flat beer pocket
  2. Face like a dog licking piss off a nettle More chins than a Chinese phone book Bad I know but.... She's had more hands up her than sooty
  3. One I use only when I mean it .... I'm going to rearrange your face
  4. blast from past. I used to get that as we'll lol
  5. If someone asks if I'm warm reply - Sweating like a whore in a church Someone thinks they're buff reply - Seen more muscles on the beach If someone's useless then I'll be telling them they are - As much use as tits on a boar
  6. Just found this!!! Woo brilliant Edit to say.... This in fact is now one of my favourite bloody videos. I want to join please! Lol
  7. Mo Chara means my friend Jerry lee is after Jerry lee Lewis cause he's a 'wild one'
  8. Between MoCharas bark/stranger hate, and Jerry lees sheer size - anyone comes to my gate they will not come in, but with them being penned at night that's no use really other than making anyone aware there's two big fecking dogs about somewhere lol. Also echo usual security CCTV, locks, chains, lights etc But there's always a shovel or something at hand if the dogs start I'd be out like a pocket rocket swinging Failing on all that, the pigs will more than likely eat them
  9. "Smile, it might never happen" Erm, well I'm not smiling because it's already fecking happened you ass!
  10. As I found her. Wish she'd of picked a cleaner area though! Nope she decided to go to the oldest part in front of the diesel tank Notice she's made it with straw, a little wood and some stuffing that she's pulled out of an old dog cushion bless her.
  11. oh now tut tut TB that'll get you a stinger across the jaw pretty soon
  12. I'm sorry but if my vet told me that I'd of told him to shove his stethoscope where the sun don't shine. I'd of had that dog at a vets as soon as I noticed. As said above, you'll want to find out what kind of poison it was exactly to pass on to the vet.
  13. Last time I brought up getting a ouji board - I was firmly told that it would not be done in our place. That's by someone who think ghosts, ouji boards etc is a load of crap. So I reckon a compramise - if they don't believe why be wary of it. Let's GO
  14. Nah BB they wouldn't let my pigs be in it
  15. state the obvious mr socks Oj - Nah that's the plan, just leaving her to it, I'll not be changing nothing. Never thought she would of been the broody of the bunch, pleasantly surprised with this one
  16. Wish I knew how to play football No matter about winning or loosing - good on them either way "This girl can".
  17. Thanks CM - yes all the other mutters still doing great. Got more pigs shifted the other week so down to just a couple Got new pig pen built and big ones in it, also got the feathered fiends moved to fresh ground But this duck has me excited. But I'm wondering about what she should do, she still comes out freeranging from morning to lunch time then back in also leaves nest to eat drink and just nosey about. I touched eggs this morning and they were roasting so I'm trying to let her do what she thinks best.
  18. best idea I've heard all day... Fat Larry..? Need change that name to Lucky Larry
  19. Mister Walshie I reckon you already got it and it's you I've just put two and two together and made up a newly formed freaky Welshman who's got a panther
  20. Or when the want to be ladies steal your phrase on here -tut tut tut. Suck it up buttercup yeah don't suit the lady boys on here at all!
  21. Get unknown numbers every day almost. Buggers. It's usually PPI or something. Had a call one night at 4am some young girl just calling my name over and over, honestly it was creepy sounded like a child But I have had a few "prank" calls from withheld numbers. Seriously? Yeah grow up - ringing me at 2.30am breathing down the phone is not going to worry me. Work away you freak
  22. Cannot stand the phrase "plenty more fish in the sea..!?!" You know if someone's after finished with someone. Why fish? Why not fecking birds in the sky or something.?
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