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Everything posted by monynut

  1. Must admit to being a bit ignorant of muntie velvet growth but is this normal to have large hard nobules on top the velvet growth? Perfectly normal mate, the beast has not long cast and the first thing to happen is for the pedicle crown to heal over then the process of antler growth starts, nice animal.
  2. None at all, everthing was intact and normal in appearence also no obviouse damage to hind legs.
  3. The other half shot a beast very simular last weekend
  4. Was out with the other half yesterday (2nd May) and while we sitting in the motor having a coffee she noticed a beast had come out into the field about 400 yds away with a fawn in tow, we watched the wee thing running around the doe up and down the tram lines having a merry old time every now and then it would return to the doe for a suckle. It was a good few days old so obviously born late april, lovely to see it made our day.
  5. If you would like a trophy as a result of your stalk that's probably not the best time to stalk bucks as there is a good chance most of the bucks may still be in velvet at that time, not only that you will be struggling to see them due to the summer growth, may l suggest winter and early spring would be your best time. I'm not to bothered about a trophy as such. I just want something lol. I was thinking Roe, but they tend to be on the expensive side. I'm new to stalking so I don't know what to go for. There can be some reasonable deals to be had during the winter for hinds and d
  6. If you would like a trophy as a result of your stalk that's probably not the best time to stalk bucks as there is a good chance most of the bucks may still be in velvet at that time, not only that you will be struggling to see them due to the summer growth, may l suggest winter and early spring would be your best time.
  7. Had our first trip out for the roe bucks on Sunday and had a blinder of a day, after putting up a new highseat and taking down 2 others for inspection and repair we had a look about, the other half ladystalker spotted a buck in a small wood so of we went for a closer look he was no where to be seen but a young munty doe paid the price for stopping for a look after we put her up. We then made our way over to the other side of the shoot and spotted a couple of young bucks with a doe laying up against a hedge so a short stalk to get position and by this time one of the bucks was on his feet w
  8. It is common to hear them bark another name for them is "Barking deer" they generally bark when alarmed or suspicious about something, they will also bark over territorial disputes l have never come across them barking as a part of any mating or courtship ritual other than maybe when there is more than 1 buck interested in a doe in season
  9. On the whole very common, it not only effects rookie's, if you have a few deer under your belt one may still feel its effects when taking new species for the first time.
  10. I shot my first red with a 243 a woodland stag and it downed the beast no probs, now if l am red stalking l use a 308 for me its a perfect all round deer rifle, can be a little hard on young or doe munty's just watch your bullet placement
  11. Still got 1 or 2 of my lads in hard antler but also seeing a few well on "in velvet" now, lets hope its a good winter for them.
  12. Hi all, been lurking around a few of the other sites for a while but thought it was about time to join here. My name is Paul and although l am interested in all forms of fieldsports my main passion is deerstalking, l live in Cambridgeshire but most of my stalking is done in Suffolk, the remainder is local to me in cambs and also some in Scotland. Other forms of shooting include rabbit with rifle mainly but sometimes shotgun, foxing again mainly with rifle and lamp and a bit of wildfowling. l gave up driven game shooting about 3 years ago whilst l was a part time keeper on a local
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