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Everything posted by micky

  1. that ought to be sent to every house in Britain.
  2. [url=http://s876.photobucket.com/user/mickypip/media/new%201/P1010224_zps33ea0be7.jpg.html][/u
  3. micky


    is it worth having.
  4. after i got back from ferreting yesterday i had a walk up the lane to check on some rabbit traps,it was coming up to dusk as i came to the ditch where three imras were sited and i put a pair of rabbits up and they ran towards the sett , when i looked at the first trap a rabbits back legs were just sticking out kiccking and pushing [death throes] , as i bent to pick it up the back legs became front legs and a head and promptly effed off leaving the other well caught, that was it for the day though i did have a couple this morning.
  5. if you drive through Germany you will see them in most fields and beside every wood
  6. hessian sacking will kill rabbits if they chew on it, boxes are best. Elaborate? Hessian material is woven jute fibres. Jute being made a non toxic, non poisonous set of plant fibres in some cases or the jute plant itself which is also not harmful, I would of said they could chew it fine... As far as I am aware, they continue to make them without treating them with anything so they are biodegradable...I cannot elaborate , I was told by more than one person back in the 1950s that you should never put live rabbits in a sack as chewing the sacking was poisonous .everything was carried in hessia
  7. hessian sacking will kill rabbits if they chew on it, boxes are best.
  8. I think that picture was taken 40 years ago ,there is a plant pot taped the lamp which came off of a reliant robin ,the battery came off of a motor bike , we killed a lot of rabbits that night and there are some other pictures somewhere and yes I was a porn star
  9. I am not fussed myself , I think its down to bagging ,the more you got the more you catch. had a few this morning the ground here is to hard for trapping or snaring so I will have to carry on with the long nets until the cover dies back .
  10. a walk up the lane this morning for a very quick six, lost a couple aswell then It to got to hot for ferriting this ground is pure stone and very hard to get a peg in so you have to be quick off the mark. Three foot back belly up ? that was my job back in the 50s without me placing the rabbits like that the night would have been a failure.
  11. if mushrooms appear regularly in a field then suddenly stop it is more often than not that the field has been sprayed.
  12. micky


    everyone makes mistakes when they are young and I made my fair share , these two young women have now held their hands up and will go to prison for whatever time the Peruvian judge deems fit ,then they will come out older , wiser , and better people ............ I just hope that a few years down the road that people saying that these girls should raped and covered in lice will be older and wiser too.
  13. every week during the season my mrs would take a dozen rabbits to Dave Morgans butchers shop on the Uppingham road in Leicester, she was there one morning and some fellah rushed in and asked Dave to look at his card, then he asked my mrs to check it also , the fellah was in that much of a panic dave had to send his assistant to the offy for a straightener for him , he had bought the ticket a couple of doors down and scratched off a mill , it was in the Leicester Mercury a while later but by that time a lot of it had been invested in Special Brew.
  14. micky

    Just A Picture

    we had a good morning but we stopped at dinnertime because I thought the heat would spoil the catch I rarely use long nets when ferreting but this field is covered in a lot of very large warrens and when a rabbit bolts from one it will run to the nearest warren instead of hole hopping
  15. micky

    Just A Picture

    no mate, just a normal long net with plenty of bagging, I have only seen the pre set ones used a couple of times ,that was with Michael flatters ,they look a handy bit of kit but I will stick with what I know.
  16. just a picture of the start of Tuesdays ferreting <a href="http://s876.photobucket.com/user/mickypip/media/new%201/IMG_0051_zps046cbaa5.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/mickypip/new%201/IMG_0051_zps046cbaa5.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0051_zps046cbaa5.jpg"/></a>
  17. a handful of garden peat over the plate
  18. had this from 75, its a omega seamaster, when I first had it, it had a thick stainless steel strap I changed that for a leather one and wore it at work ,after a few weeks the second hand came off and its been sat in a draw ever since,back in the day they were worth a good few bob.
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