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Everything posted by micky

  1. I read a article in the shooting times many years ago ,it was Peter Hawkers advice for young shots and he used to fire his wildfowling guns into flocks of starlings then skin them , boil them up then make a pie.............same recipe for coots.
  2. was it not mixi and the decline of the rabbits that done for them
  3. when I first went ferreting in the early 50s my grandfather always used short nets either side of the set cutting through the hedge , if they ran out into the field they could get away but they seldom did that choosing to run down the hedge to the next set , sometimes I went out with an old chap from a place called Bunny and we did the boundary hedges together [ my job was to keep a tally on what was caught ] he always used purse nets , my grand farther was a keeper and Mr Walker from Bunny was an outlaw and probably used purse nets to keep the job tighter to the hedge.
  4. finished ferreting but the young rabbits start to become a nuisance on the lane where we live , I try to keep them away from the posh gardens but no one moans to much ,its live and let live until they get among the bedding plants [/url had a few around this place over the years that are banded . [url=http://s876.photobucket.com/user/mickypip/media/P1010541_zps404524be.jpg.html]
  5. we saw plenty when we arrived and the ferrets were soon bolting them no fun in it for me this one was lucky , the ferret had it under the jaw , I got it off and gave it a bye the ferret nail this one at the top of the hole just after my lad dug one out down the road to pick up a few rabbits and home ,season over.
  6. this is the rig that I use , dog clip to the fence ,then a short hazel tealer to hold the wire, most folk would tie the snare onto the wire doing away with both the clip and tealer but this method is quick and easy and suits me
  7. these are this mornings , over the week I have topped a dozen good rabbits plus a few the foxes have had, these came off of a bit of fence that in front of our house, there are not that many here and the only way to get them is to snare them ,i suppose I could have had them in one go but I spread my sport out over a few days as I only had a order for a dozen, I need a lot more next week so they might get another visit.
  8. I knew a fellow from RIPLEY his name was Thomas Ball , he had some relatives live there as well , they were retired miners and they were bang crackers , the family took their pension books off them and pushed food through the letterbox
  9. two more this morning but the fox had called round
  10. in the topics that I follow someone is posting exactly the same as DITCH SHITTER would have , is the twat back
  12. I agree with most of what you say about Fenns but the Mk4 is not a bad rat trap ,better than the Mk6 in my opinion , as for Imbra or Juby traps these are rabbit traps not general vermin traps , they are very good at what they were designed to do [kill rabbits] and they will kill anything that approaches from the pan side but something like a rat or young rabbit stepping on to the pan from the other side [the burrow entrance]can be threw , through the tap and be caught by the arse end or tail , this is more common with the Juby as the tension lever moves faster than the jaws close.
  13. we had a rat in the house in 84 I think, it was a barren or unmated doe and it would not touch any bait, one day it got hold off my lads baby grows that was covered in breast milk , it shredded the baby grow and I knew that I had her,i placed the grow on a old trap with a fresh drop of milk and went bed ten minutes later I had her, trapping anything requires common sense and sometimes the ability to think outside the box
  14. the rabbits are not here this year , I have a lot of land in Leicestershire and can usually bag up somewhere you have to take the rough with the smooth and hope next season will be better.
  15. [/url had a few this morning it was very windy but they bolted well this is a very big farm and good rabbit land I usually take about 500 a season off of this place this season I have had about a ton
  16. had a few days here,.....caught a few but not as many as I expected
  17. she was'nt fat , she was nice
  18. surely calls are used more to get a animal in range to be shot, rather than trapped , as for the new technology "whats wrong with blowing a piece of grass between your thumbs " it works for those who know how to do it properly, another piece of modern technology that was shown to me in the 1950s at Kimboulton was a device that was fitted to kiddies dolls , the ones that said mam-ma when tilted, the man demonstrating it was Keith Godby and he called eight Hares and a fox into shotgun range in what seemed like minutes, as I have said before "all the kit is out there ,you just have to know
  19. reasonable amounts off noise will be tolerated as rabbits hear noises all day ,the worst digs that I have had seem to come after the rabbit has saw you and gone back down , metallic sounds will make them stick as will fag smoke.
  20. they start digging as soon as its tipped it will be full of holes come summer, then in late autumn it will be replaced with a fresh lot .
  21. micky

    Amanda Knox

    about time she met DEXTER
  22. Those that can ....DO Those that cannot ....TEACH Start listening to the men who wear the blinkers, not the scientists or that piss head keeper who cannot keep a few young rabbits off of his traps .
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