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Everything posted by micky

  1. do ya fook mine even leaves the fooking door open sounds like a shipos shire taking a piss...shipp.jpg this is what we know as a shipos shire best beer ever made
  2. there were not many that resisted that original strain, and if it came in that form again I think the result would be the same too.
  3. I think the bigger sized traps can only be used underwater in most US states
  4. cats will go anywhere a rabbit can go [and some more ] but seldom do , if you want to be certain net them then you can select what you need
  5. my one gamble a year score E-W TEAFORTHREE fiver E-W VESPER BELL
  6. you will not get the better of a 16 year old girl. FACT
  7. maybe because i dont expect anything more from the backwards kunts, i dont like them and certainly dont give a f**k what they do........but i like dogs........ VILE LITTLE PERSON
  8. If I were to cover a trap with rocks and foliage I doubt I would ever find it again.
  9. I couldn't give a f**k if they even gave soldiers a wee day out shooting them, it's morally wrong in my eyes ohhh great white hunter. I was beater mate not a hunter and it was morally right , all the hares shot went to people who enjoyed eating them and often could not afford them .
  10. I have followed this thread because I enjoyed hare drives as a kid but what is obvious to me is that hardly anyone on here knows what a Hare drive is , it was more of a social occasion than a formal shoot everyone took part anyone who had a gun was allowed in ,the hares were not off of one estate but several in fact the hares would have been walked in from miles away it was one of the times when the land-owners or their tenants provided a couple of days sport for the ordinary people who lived and worked on, or around the land they farmed in fact it was these people who turned out on coursing d
  11. I went on a lot of hare drives when I was a kid they were massive events that took in a lot of farms and the were usually run with military precision ,it was a good couple of days out and lots of hares were shot ,it was a chance for the ordinary men of the soil to stand side by side with the lords of the land and have a pop, they were always held in Feb, and not many got away , hare was a popular meal in those days so none were threw in the hedge to rot, much the same as when coursing events were held on these lands throughout the season at the time.
  12. I think you are wrong mate I had dogs that lamped rabbits night after night year after year [weather and health permitting]
  13. Why would you assume the post was aimed at you if you have not tried to use a second account and thus not received an automated message from what i read, a reasonable question was asked, clarification is always better than assumption, plus as this is a public forum viewable to anyone, it would not be the first time something has been taken out of context and used in publicity against hunting/trapping etc, there was a terrier picture that was perfectly legal when used in the topic it was posted in, it was then posted and used on a anti hunt website to prove the cruelty of terrier work, the sa
  14. to start with it was A rabbit , it was under a fence , a hole under the fence , it was a reasonable question and so was the answer, at that point matt once again spit your dummy out and not for the first time either.
  15. most rabbits that are killed in peg snares will have taken the wire around the leg or through the toes and around the foot, I don't think that there is a legal or practical way of avoiding this, a non legal way would be to use locking snares ,I think that this type of snare would reduce your problem but not eliminate it another method that may work would be to use a rig that lifted the rabbit off of the ground like a bender set for rats this would not be practical and may not be legal, there may be other ways of avoiding this problem but I don't know them and the fairest way of doing things is
  16. Not at all. I was just clarifing a point that MrTeapot had forgotten to put in his post. And has you have so little time to edit a post these days he was unable to add it to the post. TC that's correct TC, this section of the forum needs only the lightest touch of the moderators hand as the people who frequent it are usually self policing, however ! I do not think it will to long before one of the blind, misinformed, lickspittals relegates this thread to the bin labelled MY PERSONAL CENCORSHIP BOX
  17. nicely done Paul,did the traps kill em , or was it that radioactive paint?????? Best of luck with the new job .
  18. Erm so that means they won't cook it .... Name me a pork dish on an Indian menu .............. vindaloo
  19. LANSKY, easy to use and cheap
  20. the badgers should be cage trapped then put down its not hard to do and if the protesters were treated as vigorously as hare courses the traps would be safe
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