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Everything posted by micky

  1. Boiling, dipping , ? its down to where and how they are set.
  2. look at the umbrella stands on ebay, there seems to be a good selection on there to draw inspiration from .
  3. I have been to this farm a few mornings this week just to show my face ,I catch a few and everyone is happy grazed rabbits been grazed as well. three parts grown , these make the best eating .
  4. I know two people have had it done and it turned their lives around ,one was my eldest daughter whom was virtually bed bound for the last two years and is now back playing tennis and riding horses the other is a blacksmith who sometimes comes on this site .
  5. one of my neighbours has bought part of an old paddock to extend her garden,she has had it rabbit fenced but this trapped a few rabbits in her garden so over the last few days I have been shooting them, I managed nine and thought that was it but she rang me up and said that she had seen one hopping about ,that evening I sat in their summer house [shed] with my rifle for two hours but no luck , what I did see though was a faint run leading from a shed to the new garden area, I placed a wire on the only beat that I could make out and he was waiting for me yesterday morning.
  6. Ginn , Juby and Imbra traps needed more soil to be removed than the modern Fenn trap, is this why the more traditional type of trapping hammer is no longer used???
  7. the snare peg should be fully knocked in so you are not going to see anything unless you are stood right over it, ......use wood.
  8. its better than starving
  9. you should have left well alone in the first place , all you can do now is top the squab
  10. micky


    breast of lamb neck of lamb tripe ox tail boiling fowls faggots and peas cheese and pickled onions proper grub , all that other stuff grows puffters.
  11. the foxes have let me be for a few days Paul and the rabbits are coming in on a slow trickle but after a week the tally is mounting up
  12. looks like the cubs had one and the other snare got knocked, although the snare was set at nine inches on rough grass it was still knocked, the ground is waterlogged here and the rabbit was not going to get her belly wet.
  13. plenty of these about in these parts ,
  14. spaniels are prone to ear problems , I thought every spaniel owner knew that.
  15. I have not had a fag in over 30 years but I could still do 40 parkdrive any day of the week, you never really stop smoking its just thirty odd years since I had one.
  16. I am not a fisherman but my old neighbour was ,he used to bring me carp ,eels perch and pike ,all good eating .
  17. Will you be giving them their due when they are bombing British soil? that is not the question. No, it's not. But you said to give them their due and therefore respect for fighting in a cause they believe in. My question to that is, will you be giving them their due when they are coming home radicalised and trained and using their new skills against us? MI5 see this as a major problem and something that we're going to suffer the consiquences of. I find I have no respect for them, purely contempt. in that case I am sure that if they can manage to read what you wrote whilst dodging
  18. Will you be giving them their due when they are bombing British soil? that is not the question.
  19. give them their due, they have gone to fight for something that they believe in............almost as heroic as the keyboard warriors on this forum
  20. I am not a mole catcher ! I am a bricklayer, and for 50 years I have made some good dough out of putting other [less well taught ] bricklayers work right , the same rule must surely apply to mole catchers.
  21. shame but i suppose someone has to Bostocks ,the butchers in Nuneaton do very good sausages
  22. micky

    Old Age

    I was laying bricks for all my working life and always thought work suited me , its not the work that does the damage its the 40 odd winters
  23. micky

    Old Age

    I retired seven years ago but I am still in good nick, don't smoke , eat well and having a positive attitude helps .
  24. its a fox that damaged your snares so forget all about trail cams hose pipes and SUMMON ON SOIL ? and learn to snare correctly
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