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Everything posted by micky

  1. i think that the the rabbit was released from the snare and a fox had the other all three wires were left ,no young rabbits down here mate in fact thres very few old fuckers.
  2. I have had a few but not many but they have been in melton since the begining of october i been to a couple of places where you can find 100lb rings but nothing yet
  3. i seem to remember my mam rubbing my arm with blue bag when i was stung by a bee.
  4. I was out yesterday at a place close to home , there are a few rabbits there but they are hard to get at , its a grass field and they rabbits live in the roadside among the thick gorse, they like to run across the field and play with their mates who also live on a gorse bank . I some times set a couple of wires in the middle of this field when its showing signs of traffic,i only set two or three as i would sooner come here once or twice a week during the season than wiping them out in one go,this morning when i arrived at the first snare it was obvious that someone had beaten me to it ,tho
  5. that one never moved much Paul , those traps take no prisoners, some years ago i set some BGs in a corner of a field that was alive with rabbits the first night i caught two nearly full grown fox cubs the place looked like a battlefield tipped up cages half eaten rabbits and very dead foxes
  6. What was the story with that one Micky? Good pic, but in all honesty, he looks a little strangulated! Lol this place can be seen from the road and there is usually a lot of rabbits sat out and people come from all over to try their luck. .The truth is that there is that much rubbish underground that it is impposible , they end up leaving the ferrets and in turn they end up on the road or in my traps. The ferret pictured with rabbits was taken in a BG and is the biggest i have ever seen it was bigger than the rabbits which were in kittle,the one in the snare must have stood up t
  7. car,nt find that picture but i will, the bloke in the picture is a gamekeeper, he started on the bevy before 8am then shit hisself in the pub about 1
  8. <center> <a href="http://s876.photobucket.com/user/mickypip/media/SAM_0320_zps32b58a65.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/mickypip/SAM_0320_zps32b58a65.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0320_zps32b58a65.jpg"/></a> </center>
  9. i have one some where , i will have a look
  10. When i was young the only chicken we had on the table were old farm yard boilers , these birds were as tough as leather even if they spent a night in the stew pot. What mam did was to boil all night then slow roast them on the range for about six hours then they were very tasty . One day my my granddad had to kill a big old farmyard gander , he was years old but he still had to be plucked and dressed , that job came down to me and my sister and took nearly a day my Nan then singed it and took it to the hall kitchen to boiled all day then roasted allnight ih the big coal oven , i don,t re
  11. 60 pence a brace at Melton on Tuesday, i think on top of that there is a 50 pence Per lot and a 17.5 % fee then the public pay 10% per bird on every winning bid .......................no wonder they get threw on the muck heap .
  12. i grew up with some old time long netters they always said if the weather and moon are right then the first two hours and last two are the best , though i lamped for many years i was never sure what was the best time ,i have been places where there was hundreds out then drive down the A1 to another good spot and see nothing as the old timers used to say ,you can never depend on wild stuff. What i do know is if there is light breeze with a drop of rain in it and there are rabbits on the land ,they will be out.
  13. i don;t see any tossers on this thread mate just people with diferrent opinions, of course its easier to catch a mouse with a trap easier still with poision and i for one could never snare one bu i think that in some circumstances you must consider all the options , as i said its horses for courses.
  14. very good , thanks for posting, its nice to see how folk from over the water go about things . We cannot do it over here but there is a lot of interest in hog hunting so if you have any pictures put a couple up.
  15. no they are not ,i use both and its horses for courses
  16. their not very scarce in Melton Market , you can catch all you need at a pound a brace.
  17. your right he was a dimwit , it would have been better if he could have strung a few words together instead he chose to start effing and blinding , not the way to state your case or win the argument.
  18. i seem to remember that one squeaking a bit and i was holding the dog off, she is usually very well behaved and soft mouthed but the sight and sound of the rat was too much for her.
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