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Everything posted by micky

  1. Years ago I used to lamp at a place called Nassington , to reach the fields the Rabbits were in you had to cross a stream that fed the Nene via stepping stones , one morning coming back in the light there was an Eel on a line of hooks that had been strung across he stream also a long time ago I saw a cat hanging off of a tree that hung across a river called the Wreake in Leicestershire , my mate who was a very keen Fisherman told me that it was baiting a swim with the Maggots that fell from it as it decomposed.
  2. You knew girls like this , I did too, I know exactly what you mean , they got out the depth with people who befriended them and then abused them .
  3. Poor fellers just trying to earn a crust to feed their families and that happens
  4. This forum was very good once unfortunately that is no longer the case.
  5. Wat will ye do micky? ........Well to start with I will want my snares returned and I tell him not to come on my land again . But if he makes some silly comment Like Peter Spunk Breath 86 I will tell him off.
  6. Last season I had some snares and Rabbits go missing, I have been out waiting for him at first light but so far no luck, I think it was last Febuary that I found a snare marker on a hedgerow on my land then last sunday about two miles away I found the same marker on the main London rail line and also the fence had 20 of these holes formed along it , the other side had just two holes then it was all quite new rabbit fencing, this weekend I will get permission on this stretch of line which goes through the village I think he lives in so it is only a matter of time ....
  7. When I was a kid lots of baby boys wore frocks
  8. The French make Pate out of them ,where we used to stay in france there was lots of them they call them RANGOLIN , the Lockeeper where we stay gave us a pot of Pate some years ago and the Mrs gave it the dog.
  9. [url=http://s876.photobucket.com/user/mickypip/media/SAM_0297_zps43adc33e.jpg.html/url][/uR Back at this place after two years of Badger surveys , not a sign of a rabbit but Badgers for two miles either side of the lines I have been coming here since 63 and have never seen it like this .
  10. there is a lot of second chances with fenn trapsnot the ones iv caught in mine not caught much then av ya
  11. there is a lot of second chances with fenn traps
  12. These were random and clusters , no pattern or direction.
  13. No what you saw were dig sites for old settlements prior to building work , these were on a slope were no building would ever be possible .
  14. We went to Yorkshire at the weekend on the way there I pulled over to let the dog out on an old sheep pasture which was very steep and full of Rabbits, these flags were all along a steep bank, mainly Red but also a few Blue I thought they may have been for plant varieties but it alllooked the same to me , one the way back I saw them in another old pasture in Nottinghamshire.....any ideas
  16. https://adblockplus.org/ you will find a version there for chrome and firefox. TC Many thanks both of you .
  17. we have a new computer and we have AVAST protection but on some sites notably PHOTO BUCKET there are so many adverts it shuts the screen down , my wife is looking for a new car and has been on CARGURROS site and we are now swamped with there adverts ARRIVA is another one . WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP IT . when adverts appear there is nothing I can click to get rid of them . THANKS IN ADVANCE.
  18. That seems to be a lot of blood on that trap ..........its everywhere ?
  19. My Mrs is thinking of buying a 4x4 1.5 diesel ,any one had one .
  20. Yes Paul it is a very big farm and I have had some good bags there but last year it was not so good...... spent the last day chopping holes in fences I intend doing a lot more snaring next season
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