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Everything posted by micky

  1. there was no noticeable smell with mine,i bought them from miinnesota trapline products and used them after three days weathering .make sure you dont tilt the pot when you push it in the hole, as this will spoil your set ,and bear in mind that rabbits caught in this type of trap are very visable micky
  2. i bought some pocket poppers from the usa a few weeks ago ,and now ive had a play with them i will tell you what happend. i went to a very rabbity hedge next to a motorway, the rabbits here cannot be shot, ferreted or snared so trapping is the only option .i first picked out 12 well used holes of about the right size ,then i pushed a pp in as far as it would go ,i then dug out for the springs ,this soil was put on the floor of the pocket ,when i had done them all i set one trap , and went home .the next day i had one dead rabbit[100% so far] . the rabbits had walked all the soil off the bo
  3. i dont know if its genuine, but it looks a lot better made than the heap of rubbish [fenn6s] that i . recently bought .i think the rounded jaws are a plus ,there would be less excavation,easier bedding,and the young rabbits that are thrown off the plate only to be caught by the back leg in the corner of the jaws ,would live to be caught another day. rabbit numbers are increasing ,but methods of control will alter in the next few years, so i think we need a better trap, before we get a better mixy. perhaps we should let the japs have a look at them , after all they took landrovers pants
  4. the bastuds wont stop barking.
  5. how could the M6 fenntrap be improved? micky
  6. anyone know any ex imbra employees?
  7. Very true Micky... I've trapped hundreds of conies with Imbras in sandy soil,.but in chalk and flint it is a b*****d enlarging and scraping out the burrow to take the arms of the trap. 'Block trapping' was,.and still is a useful method of taking out rabbits.... Cheers,..CHALKWARREN... i have never used imbras,how do they rate against fenns?. micky
  8. they do the job allright in soil .but i trap a lot railway track which is all stone [4inch down ] ,this makes it difficult to bed them in properly ,as each one can take a lot of peat to site, and cover.if you get the hole the right size its a clean kill,if its to big ,or to small you will have problems. micky
  9. block 20 ,trap the 5 best,keep the traps down 3 days then fill all the holes ,set traps in any hole that is reopend, 25 -30 traps will go a longway on that type of ground
  10. subject to their own laws, how would american trappers catch british rabbits?. micky
  11. bodygrips,4 quid each from the states .deadly micky Those cheap traps,...??????? Are they LEGAL in the UK mate ? Only the BMI and Victor Conybear are passed by the Ministry... Its kinda important if ya get a pull.... Don't you have to pay any 'import duty' on them , or Carriage,.etc...? I think they are only about £6.00 in this country Best to stay within the law,...for the sake of trapping.... All the best,..CHALKWARREN.......... BMI Magnum 110.... there not cheap traps,they are traps i bought cheaply,they are legal,there is no duty payable, and if yo
  12. bodygrips,4 quid each from the states .deadly micky
  13. on saturday morning i picked up 5 rabbits, 3 trapped 2 snared,this morning i caught 8 . 5 snared and 3 trapped ,they were all old bucks micky
  14. the numbers of rabbits and hares caught by some of the lads on smoochers. micky
  15. where can you buy a decent sausage?all the sausages in leicestershire are made from shit and fag-ends,and the black puddings worse micky
  16. most of the cage trappers would be happy if they caught a rabbit never mind a hare. micky
  17. try it in a cold and wet leicestershire field, and you will soon learn to enjoy a little dig,micky
  18. every year i catch ferrets in traps set for rabbits,but i have never caught one that was wearing a collar micky
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