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Everything posted by micky

  1. errrrm....i give up...........whats the answer ? if your going to talk in riddles pal you,ll have to explain Thats a , no, you carn,t then.
  2. Why,?i have just read his obituary,and he seemed a decent bloke, or perhaps your one of those sick b*****ds who likes to see dogs fight
  3. These are good for killing rabbits in fences,you can place your dead rabbit coverside if you want,if you open the trigger wires ,it will let the squeakers through and kill mam.they also work well on young rabbits if pre set in large setts
  4. We used to play one in the 50s ,tittled Johny Reb.
  5. You could do better mate,having the right kit is half the job ,if you start right, everything else justs follows on.
  6. How did it go last night ian ?did you put many traps down
  7. the pheasant could not have laid it ,as it was dead when i put it in Did you give it the ferret anyway Yes Kay .iput it back in the cage ,i am going to let them hatch it
  8. the pheasant could not have laid it ,as it was dead when i put it in
  9. I cleaned my small cage out this morning and found this egg in the nest box,first time in 50 odd yearsof ferret keeping that i have ever found one,stranger still when the occupiers of the cage were bucks,i dont think its their diet thats responsible [road kill pheasant and rabbit] perhaps its global warming. ??
  10. Yep, I'd agree with that! You'll need to spend some time counting rabbit numbers though..................you'll need about half as many traps as there are buns. Prebait them with chopped carrot or the like (keep your bait sizes & portions similar between traps & this will let you monitor bait takes) Place the traps a good 10 paces apart & check twice daily. Don't cover them, but you can paint them green to make them less conspicuous. It's unlikely you'll get many people interfering with them in the location you mention, but you can download & print off a wee poster that lets pe
  11. No ,the owner will ,she just drew my attention to it.
  12. No ,the owner will ,she just drew my attention to it.
  13. The picture only shows a bit of it,the holes were 3 foot deep in a field full of beasts
  14. the digging boys were up our lane a couple of weeks ago
  15. Yes mate ,cheap and versatile , John B had some for sale a while back.
  16. this is what i use ,a cubby and stabilizer rolled into one
  17. we ate them when we were kids ,and there eggs ,ate coots as well ,you had to skin them first as it tasted bitter.theres no need to kill them nowdays though.
  18. looks like its legs are coming out its arse
  19. what sizev do the fake runs have to be and why do the rabbits use them instead of going randomly, and another one, do the fake runs have to be on the end on the ones that appear in the verge, im very interested in this one I took these out to about ten yards, G.W. says a lot shorter , but there other things to consider a this place The rabbits use them because their there there are no really visable runs ,or beats along this ditch,in fact there are no
  20. I dont seem to be able to catch them any where else but out in the field. What looks like a verge is a deep ditch,in a week or two it will be a mass of nettles and brambles i knock a few over with bgs, but snares set out in the field seem to work best for me
  21. Well done mate , show these mardy arse lampers how to catch a few
  22. just to add, this land has been roughly hoed as the seedlings are breaking through,woodga has pointed out that there will be better results if the runs are smoother ,this will be done after the next rainfall when the land is more friable
  23. i think your right mate , i was thinking Percy Thrower.
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