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Everything posted by micky

  1. switch to body grips they do the job better than fenns
  2. http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/mickypip/DSCF0014_zps8174f3f6.jpg http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/mickypip/DSCF0015_zpsbaac3f04.jpg http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/mickypip/DSCF0013_zps73b1f655.jpg
  3. his first world was a disaster too
  4. the returning soldiers didn't think a lot to him , first chance they had, him and is crew were voted out
  5. micky

    Thatcher Dies

    . Yeh just like Germany eh with the strongest unions in the world who fought to keep the manufacturing. Base and take a look eat them now and their industrial Might. Blame the unions. Lol. No. The weak generation who gave in to. A Tantrum. Throwing old woman.She turned a hard working nation into a benefit culture. And some got to be experts. And now it costing. 10 m. To bury her. The ultimate. State paid. Benefit scrounger. Quite fitting. Wonder who. Filled in the porper burial. Forms. Think ill attend. Just to make sure she is. DEAD. !!!!!!! . What's. with. all. the. full. stops.?. perh
  6. micky

    Thatcher Dies

    before thatcher came in there was no work in the building trade, me and thousands of others had to go to Germany to work ,it was hard leaving your family to work in another country but what else could you do ,there was no pay out for me and thousands like me when the building industry collapsed ,not like the miners had they got thousands we got F A, people forget the shortages the three day week the blackouts, you could not buy spuds toilet rolls or candles, when I came back from Germany I had a few bob and under thatcher me and the mrs done well when she was running the show.
  7. micky

    Thatcher Dies

    Best just put her on a Rubbish Dump and leave her to the Rats and Flies. sending her up north are they then ?
  8. micky

    Thatcher Dies

    its easy to say that now she is dead but Maggie f----d all those miners while she was alive ,in fact daft Arthur helped her cuz he had there pants down.
  9. micky

    Thatcher Dies

    scargill was to blame for that fiasco , if Joe Gormley had been running the show I doubt the miners would have had to have gone on strike, as it was daft Arthur led the men out and Maggie smacked his arse.
  10. I used to think it was jaw size but now believe it to be pressure exerted by the spring
  11. I may be wrong but I am sure the number 55 110 160 330 etc refers to psq.
  12. Norfolk Pamments on a bed of 1cement 1 lime 7 sand , they look nice,they are made of fired earth so heat willnot affect them and the weak mortar mix works well with heat.
  13. After reading your comments on bgs I doubt that you have ever used them ,that trap will kill anything that can get its head in that's why there are specific rules on where it can used, the comment about gin traps is a bit suspect also , you are telling people that they are wrong when your own knowledge on the topic is non existent , time will tell if you are looney but I think that your a wrong un.
  14. when I was a kid every lad in the village had a interest in rabbits ,trapping ,shooting ,ferriting , or even breeding them, the reason for this was there was nothing else to do, no telly no radio,no bike , and no money, if I hung about around home my grandparents would soon find me something to do, the trick was ,get up ,and get out the way ,in the winter that meant going after rabbits [sweets and baccy money ] . none of them lads that are still alive still retain an interest in bloodsports as Mixi finished it for them and in my opinion it also finished large scale rabbit trapping. When I l
  15. the biggest problem for me when trapping rabbits is badgers, here in Leics you cannot have one without the other, the old time rabbit catchers never had this problem to the extent we have it now,trapping rabbits is my hobby and I enjoy it , though I often think :what those old time trappers would have given for a silenced 22 and quad bike.
  16. A good few years ago now i used to go rabbiting on a farm close to Thrapston, i used drive my jeep down an old concrete track and park up near an old barn and some pigstys, in the barn were some turkeys what owner was getting ready for xmas, well it was ten days before xmas and me and my mate went ferriting there,i drove down the track and out of sight of the road there was a blue comma van,he was driving to the road and had come off of the concrete and was stuck in the plough, ipulled up a small built Irishman jumped out with a top of the morning and all the rest of that dibble dabble talk ,i
  17. can anyone hazard a guess on how many rabbits ETC are caught in traps in the UK annually, i recall reading that before the Gin trap was banned they were catching 250000 animals a night [pre mixi] during the accepted season.
  18. The sad thing is , if they were not taken by a mole catcher ,then they will be sold to a mole catcher.
  19. A bit drastic I thought , he had an opinion and voiced it, some of his replies were a bit caustic but was there not a germ of truth in some of them, the bloke got out and done a bit whether he done it right or wrong he stood his ground the only way he knew how. I think a final warning would have been better and perhaps mole catchers should try to grow thicker skins.
  20. f**k ME ,never noticed that! it must have blew on the trap and set it off, good spot mate.
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