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About wezbnp09

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday January 20

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    gettin high!!
  1. if you got workers you must know one of the lads that has done it before sure they`d be glad to help you out. hi no dont know [NO TEXT TALK].just me and dad that goes out theres not any patterdales round here to be honest.i phoned a vet today they said got ring bk at 5:30 to get a price and confirm that the vet will do it but they want me dads firearms lience {which be honest is daft} way i see it if there working dogs and its the breed what is known for docking then there shouldnt be a problem crap it is...thanks chris pic of mum and pups Lovely collar and bright purple name tag on t
  2. heres mine still abit young at only 3months now hopefully he'll be good enough for next season
  3. i know im going to put some better ones up as he grows hopefully he'll be a good little worker
  4. just bought a new pup ive been told its a patterdale with abit of lancashire heeler in it, its tail isnt docked unfortunatly but will hopefully turn out to be a good worker heres a picture i took its 10 weeks old now
  5. could only get this one to work but im working on getting the others up
  6. thanks for the advice mate and yes its in full working order ready to use the day i bought it im going to get a few pictures up as soon as mate i thinks it also has a custom trigger as it is different to other pictures ive seen of the same rifle when i try to put the pictures up mate its saying the file was too big to upload
  7. thanks for the advice mate and yes its in full working order ready to use the day i bought it im going to get a few pictures up as soon as mate i thinks it also has a custom trigger as it is different to other pictures ive seen of the same rifle
  8. just bought a tidy second hand bsa lightning air rifle for £40 well worth the money but can anyone tell me how i can find out if its U.K built as i have been told that the spanish built ones arn't as good
  9. just wanted to see peoples views on the bsa lightning air rifle as i am thinking about getting one as my first air rifle.
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