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Everything posted by mavphill

  1. the meet of the badger has a very good taste..in germany some people eat them, and i have to say it is very tasteful. also the fat from the badger is used for different things. it has very good health effect when put on wounds etc..the only negative effect: it smells very bad. Do you not have Fray Bentos in Germany? Who or what is Fray Bentos ??? She used to live on our street! (big girl)
  2. did you fill out a risk assessment form!?
  3. i took this photo last year (hope I've posted it correctly), I'm no David Bailey but it took ages to get close enough as i dont have any fancy gear.
  4. Have you any pikeys in the area?
  5. Like lots of us, you saw the news report and made your own judgement. the fact is the truth is often hidden. none of us should judge unless we know ALL the facts.
  6. I think you meant Lancashire! ..... your spelling's terrible
  7. how can you say that after "war in Iraq" affair!
  8. mavphill


    this news item was on a cotswold blog site, sounds like kids messing about, has anyone else heard about it? the site is http://www.cotswoldswebsite.com/cotswoldblog.asp Five Arrested In Stroud For Badger Act Offences Police in Stroud have arrested two men and three male youths under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. A 19 year-old, an 18 year-old, two 16 year-olds and a 15 year-old, all from Mountain Ash in South Wales, were arrested in the Dudbridge area of Stroud on Wednesday January 3 on suspicion of digging into a badger's sett. Officers also seized an air rifle at the
  9. its one thing going out with a gun to protect yourself if youv'e got unknowns on your land, but if they are not armed or mob handed its well out of order to start threatning to shoot people. We have to jump through hoops now to get licences and peope who abuse the right should have their's taken away. I would report anyone who threatened me with a firearm.
  10. There is a scene in the film "the Deerhunter" when Deniro returns from NAm and goes out hunting again, he sees the deer in his sights but thinks again about taking the shot. Any true feeling hunter can identify with that moment.
  11. have a good one everyone. mavphill.
  12. why would otters be treated as vermin?
  13. A pair of otters can hold a territory up to 20 miles, they will also move latterally from rivers as well as up and down stream especially where large streams flow into rivers. We recently had a definite sighting in my part of the world on a river that had no otters for many years. In England and Wales they are mainly nocturnal but around the coast of Scotland you can see them in daylight. A good place to look for spraint is under bridges and conduits or by large boulders. I was involved in some research a few years ago and it was found that best the historical information about otter populati
  14. Is that your scientific conclusion then Moley? It's fairly obvious that not ALL BOP's are being persecuted, but I think we all know what goes on. IT IS RIGHT TO CONTROL ANIMALS BECAUSE THEY ARE IN COMPETITION WITH MANS INTERESTS ? This is an interesting point, but I would have problems with something like a pigeon fancier wanting to take out a local peregrine because his prize bird didn't return home.
  15. I may be new to this site but have a working life in the countryside,labeling members as antis just because they have an occasional different view doesn't help the cause, if you dont agree with a view or comment that's fine but surely you can constuct a better argument than resorting to threats and insults.
  16. Like, wolves, beavers, otters... hen harriers, white tailed eagles...pests the lot of em!
  17. Thanks for that, sounds very late, but i have heard that emergance is later the further north you go. If I can work out how to post pics I'll post some of mine, any ideas how to post them on the site?
  18. Can anyone offer their experiance of the average emergance times for noturnal mammals (fox, badgers otters etc) I have found in summer foxes will exit earlier than perhaps badgers especially if they are living close together, the earths i have watched (lancashire area) have resulted in foxes around 7 to 8pm and badgers after 9pm, I also find the badgers easier to shoot (photo that is) as they spend time around the earth.
  19. Welcome, the JR's must be quick if they can catch deer! (I am also new by the way)
  20. Best say sumfin, going on hols next week!
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