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About Delly

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Some good topics and photos lads and lasses. Its nice to have a photo of the end result so when a member of your team has grafted to get you a end result dont hold them up by the scruff put them under your arm or on a coupling after. You never see a corner man holding a boxer up by the ears after a win. Lets not let people portray us dogging lads and lasses as they brand us already. Good luck for the rest of the season.
  2. Manspade why dont you ask sabu or his he still filming for slumdog or still sneaking of with out you
  3. Man spade was the lucasde to wash the pancake down after the schmoke
  4. I have heard that you and char walah give them a schmoke and a pancake.
  5. seals have started to leak on logun gladiator where you import air in to gun wonder if this is a long job to rsepair thanks lads
  6. Delly


    thanks lads its much a apreciated
  7. hi does anbody know best place to get rear wheel bearings for izuzu trooper
  8. if this is the bitch i think it is i knew there was knothing to worry about i thought it would have been home before daylight hade gone due to it dosent like the dark it must of hade a streeet light shining down the hole
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