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allrounder lad

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Everything posted by allrounder lad

  1. well went home today to find my sgc in the letter box cantwait to get out for a shot so chuffed. thx very much to all those who gave advice and opinnions when asked all. all the best allrounder
  2. well folks,dont know if this is the best place for this post bit it would be nice to here alls views on the best allround shotgun cartride for pest control but leaving charlie out of it. so pigeons,rabbits,crows ect.would like to hear the. make,weight,plastic,size fibre and price per 1000 the last time i was out i used 32 6 vilocity plastic i think they didnt like them 2 much hahaha my friend got them so dont know how much they were what alls preferences and experiences then
  3. rswo, i have all the questions and awnswers there a think 250 of them [bANNED TEXT] might pick me up on that though and a picture of the boilerroom that you sit your test on from when i done mine mate a done mine 2003 though so probs a few of the questions might have been altered vilocity an stuff maybe not tho but they are there for you if your want a head start. very educational mate.
  4. well thats what am concernd about njc and that is what he said to me "i.am not going to support your application but i will add to the report about all your qulifacations and so on" and why should it not apply
  5. hi all, as you all know i have been trying to keep everyone updated on the applacation of my sgc."member the sgc from hell hahaha".well the last time i gave my fao a call was on the week between christmas an new year. were he said that he had been in contact with my clay club and spoke to my instructor to whom i had 2 lessons with just to make sure thats were i was going to be shooting.i have also contacted my referee and he has been out and had a quick chat with him which the referee said went fine.(all took part 28 dec).its just i,v heard nothing yet and i was thinking of giving them a bel
  6. well people the replys and advice have been great.But theres another twist in the sgc from hell hahah phoned my referee today and the police av been and had a chat with him and he said it went fine. so then i gave the club that i intend 2 shoot at a we bell to see if they had herd anything from my local feo and they said yeh they phoned him but i coundnt find any record of you and your name didnt ring a bell. which was nice enough for him 2 tell me the truth.its just i,v been up there for a couple of lessons just to get my eye back in say thx for letting me shoot up there and to get to know
  7. yeh for sure. so sniper whats your honest take on the matter then and others who want 2 comment
  8. a hope a dont need there help either sniper probs not here from them 2 january now tho. an think al just put that down to being a new member to the site everyone starts somewhere as we all know thx for the reply 2 sniper sorry black lab
  9. o.k then all. has anyone got any experience of the cheque getting cashed , getting the interview and then getting refused there sgc plz let me know
  10. thx alot for the advice and the confidence boost hilux and yeh they cashed the cheque at the start of november. the officer gave me the recept for it to me when he came for the interview. and for black lab dont know why you would ask me if i was a dogy punter when a have 1 breech from 7 years ago which i clearly stated and would not be wasting peoples usfull time and good advice. unless u know somthing about me i dont because people who label or try to picture somthings are often wrong.
  11. hi there people just a little update on my sgc aplication thx alot for those who replyed and realy urged me to phone basc the man i got was great he realy was. long story short he said everything should be o.k and if i get asked to come in to the head station for an interview which they do sometimes then he stated he will be there for me so time will tell wish me luck thx again people.
  12. i will defenity phone them if it does get refused thx matty
  13. hi people i had my meeting with my fao on tuesday there and he was saying that he cannot support my report for my sgc for me as i have a breech of the peace from 7 years ago and a dvla tax offence from 1 year ago1 since that breech i have studied in gamekeeping and recevied great qualifacations on shotgun and rifle use. i sent all that away with my grant as well as my basc insurance and given him all the details of the gun club i intend to shoot at he said he will put that all on the report tho. he also said my cabinet was fine ,security was fine and tried to trick me with the (were u gona k
  14. hi guys i,m looking for some accurate advice. iv recently sent my sgc away 17 days ago i got a discloser back from the police before i sent it and there were no coutions or warnings on it but i got parking tickets 3 years ago will that mater. my second point is that he phoned for me on thursday there and i was at work my mother gave him my mobile number and i waited to friday afternoon he never rang me so i decided to phone the licensing department stating what happened she made sure the number was o.k and said she,l get him 2 give me a bell back should i just be patient whats all,s thoughts.
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