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Everything posted by ratkilla

  1. HAHAHA Now that'll make a few laugh
  2. Regards to carrying pepper spray yes it's a good defense, but with our law i'm pritty sure if you are found to be carrying it you may as well be carrying an unauthorized firearm, pepper spray falls under the same category. This is sad i know we can't even carry it for self defense, i remember when you could buy this over the counter and the spray would also dye the persons face green. Asps and batons not long ago you could buy off the net in the UK, some of my mates have some from when you could buy them on the net. I think an asp would be handy to carry in the country side for self defen
  3. Innit Kye yeah thats Ruby, the lads who keep her now really rate her and they know a good terrier, the dog above her went across her and the smooth bronze is a bitch outta her. Yeah that carhartt gear is getting well used when i'm at work or out n about in the countryside i'm wearing it very good cloths worth the money any day! Hows them black n choc terriers going you got? Bet you can't wait to get um going this fall.
  4. Nice photos guys. Foxjo just curious about them raccoon cubs do you need a dangerous animal license to have one ? I was over in the states this season and worked a fair few what an admirable critter they are we even saw in Iowa some one who kept one as a pet. Does your friend keep many ? Does he or she home them ? Interesting to hear your reply Thanks Rat
  5. His wife, my p.m box will be fine once the Admin renews my subs as i have payed for them on the 17th of may and it still hasn't been renewed, need to chase it up. Hope you are well, will get my pm box sorted with in the next week.
  6. Honey Brothers is still open and still offering good service give them a bell and see what they've got in, there is some real nice aluminium velcro ones out that are good to wear. think there is carbon fiber ones to that must be super light
  7. She's grown! i rember how small she was but how bold she was winding up the other dogs, any better photos of her ?
  8. Pip this season i was luckily enough to go over to the states for a month hunting, and boy i saw some gear taken i had a good few digs to raccons which are good game to dig and even lucky enough to dig an american badger that are super hard to find as they are nomadic and don't settle in one spot for long at all, once they know you are there they literately swim through the soil but we dug it with a well breed dog from england that lock on and held if for us. When i went barn hunting for raccoons i saw some great russels hunt that were as good as you get the guy who invited us up there t
  9. Im sure alot of the genuine members will post again with good topics and decent pics will be added if all the shit were kicked off this site or sections added as mentioned above for genuine members to view and post in, would be nice to see Admin and mods.
  10. Well happy birthday my fellow ginger buddy, hope your having a good day just living the dream LOL. i haven't spoken to you in a while or seen you post on here lately. Them russell's haven't turned real game from the poultry and moved on to your hands when you went to let um out out of the barn ?. I'm hoping to get a terrier bitch pup closely related to that leggy chocolate toy poodle cross you got if all goes to plan. Hows it going your end mate, every one good? Could you Pm me a contact number as i cant get through to you on you house or mobile and i've deleted a few of pm'
  11. Sorry to hear that bud, after all the hard work you put in you must be gutted but sadly thats dogs for you. Mate PM me your number would be good to have a chat and catch up. All the best R......
  12. rat, rabbit, roe deer, muntjack, fox, mice, squirrel, mink, hare. also a few critters in the states possum, feral cat, american badger, raccoon, coyote, whitetail deer, some kind or grey fox, antelope, a few types of rabbit hares, skunk, fox squirrel. Just a few off the top of my head.
  13. When i was over in the states at the begin of the season i went and stayed with Kye and F.R. we managed to kill 101 head of game in just under a month using just dogs except from about 10 bunnies we accounted for using the air rifle. Well over half the head of game we took was hard biting quarry that dished it out to the dogs and the use of antibiotics were nessicery. On the first day we poped into a local farm store to pick up some chicken feed and i saw that penicillin was easily bought over the counter at the local farm store so i thought that they'd of used this but when the dogs got sore
  14. Are you even serious about having a litter if you don't have a stud dog ready and the bitch is ready in two day ?
  15. Thats a nice pup you have their, if i rember rightly wasn't there a post about this mating and the whippet was owned by turk?
  16. YES! When i was in the states this season we dug one and had one on top with the big dogs.
  17. When up to Royston2s the other weekend and took the rifle, he took his nakered old pooch along with us for a bit of retrieving She did well and helped find these for us.
  18. Thanks for putting that pic up of the new terrier roy will be nice to see how she goes, is she spanable? if so phyisical do you think she'd be handy for earth work ?
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