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Posts posted by craigheff

  1. Time.....dont show it a thing for a few months and then see what happens.....it may or may not come good, but if you like the dog its worth a try.

    thanks mate iv decided im guna give him some time to show what he is made of and if he doesnt he will be kept as a pet anyway...cheers mate :victory:

  2. plenty of time mate you have a chance of ruining him, just use a ball make it a game dont over do it as pups tend to loose concentration and get bored with doing the same thing over and over. he will bring them back on the lamp buy himself might muck about when he has his first few but the light will flick on as he gets more experience.


    good luck al



    sounds like a good idea to leave him for a while alright..il give him a try in another couple of months...thanks fence hopper :thumbs:

  3. alright lads....went out with the shotgun this evening to shoot a rabbit for my pup so he can get the feel of them and do a bit of retreving with it...shot the rabbit got straight back home to the pup...


    problem is that the pup had no intrest in the rabbit at all, he just smelled it and licked it for a few seconds then went about his buisness...never took it in his mouth once or showed any intrest in it...it the same when out for a walk if a rabbit gets up he does not chase it he just looks at it running away...


    how can i get the pup intrested or is it a lost cause????


    is it possible that i have made to much of a pet out of him to hunt??


    if you have any advice to give me it would be greatly appreciated as im not sure what to do...


    the pup is nearly 9 months old...


    thanks for reading


    atb craig


    dont worry yourself bout it, craig, he's just not ready, bide your time, he'll come good, its the movement of prey that motivates the chase, dead rabbits dont do it, Have a certain word or sound to use for sending the dog like in a retrieve , he'll figure it out, seen pics of him on here , he certainly looks the part, best of luck,,



    il try that mate...hopefully he will come good for me...nice looking pup alrite...thanks for the info mate :victory:

  4. The dog would be better with you tyhan the shot gun the dog enjoys the chase,then with a bit of luck all will fall into place! If you put a pole dancer infront of me im guna be like yes come on,you put a boring old granny infront of me im guna turn my nose a dead bunny is useless in some cases,some dogs wont touch after a kill!



    thats the problem mate...the dog does not chase when one gets up in the day time while out walking so i tought i would shoot one for him to try get him intrested but no luck...cheers mate :thumbs:

  5. paunch it and wave it around under his nose shaking it he'll soon get the game :thumbs:



    was trying that alright but still wasnt intrested....let the pet dogs have a go and they shook the shite out of it but the one i want to hunt wasnt intrested.....thanks anyway mate :thumbs:

  6. alright lads....went out with the shotgun this evening to shoot a rabbit for my pup so he can get the feel of them and do a bit of retreving with it...shot the rabbit got straight back home to the pup...


    problem is that the pup had no intrest in the rabbit at all, he just smelled it and licked it for a few seconds then went about his buisness...never took it in his mouth once or showed any intrest in it...it the same when out for a walk if a rabbit gets up he does not chase it he just looks at it running away...


    how can i get the pup intrested or is it a lost cause????


    is it possible that i have made to much of a pet out of him to hunt??


    if you have any advice to give me it would be greatly appreciated as im not sure what to do...


    the pup is nearly 9 months old...


    thanks for reading


    atb craig

  7. sorry to hear that mate, i was really looking forward to seeing how your pup turned out because you may remember i have a similar cross....keep your head up!!!


    I remember mate, irish terrier cross?

    Hows it doing? better than mine i hope.



    yeah he is not doing to bad mate, fingers crossed he wil turn out decent....sorry for your loss again mate, get another and i hope you have better luck with this one:thumbs:

  8. Mate 11 fox with one dog in one night


    JOG ON as they say



    You've just fell for his little game, read things all the way through He'll be wanking himself daft noo


    No mate in the words of the late great 2Good it was a feat completed in 1746 by a bullx known as bigdogscock, the above mentioned dog was a spanielx bulldoggex whippet x greyhound x arabian village dog, he was found washed up on the banks of the river tees one cold lonely night in august. his finder was a snot rag collector from G town who took the poor mutt in and fed him the usual smoggy diet of rats tails and chicken parmo, anyway the dog which was famousley known as bigdogscock was soon found to have the knack of killing chidren without ever getting a scratch on him, at the time this and cholera, diptheria, polio, pneumonia, typhoid, influenza, croup, blood poisining, rickets, and various work house practices was one of the few ways to rid the streets of bothersome children.

    2Good then took him into the rural folds of London to rid the locals of the vile child mauling foxes whose souls where as black as coal and there he and his faithful dog did battle and after months of turmoil they emerged victorious and the locals doth throng them and throweth wealth upon them, no expense was spared in their reward, new Nikes for 2 good and a whole sachet of panacur for the dog.

    2Good could not believe his new found wealth and loved his dog very much however he spied a whippet x bedlington 1 day so sold bigdogscock to a gypsy who sold him to a butcher who sold him to a baker who sold him to a candlestick maker who eventually tied him to the gate of the canine defence league who chopped his knackers off and a little old lady took him home where he killed her cat......but she loved him and crossed him with a malamute and she became very rich..... she then swapped him for a motorbike.


    These big tabs are brilliant



    what was that about :blink:

  9. all non pure breed dogs are mongerals :doh: a lurcher is a type of dog not a breed so techniquely they are mongerals :yes:


    Hmmm... The way I've allways understood it; Two Pure Breeds of the same breed = Pure Breed. Two dogs of different breeds mated for a specific purpose = Cross Breeds. Two dogs of different breeding mated by accident or for no specific purpose = Mongrel. Therefore a planned mating to produce Lurchers would not be "Mongrels"; but "Cross Breeds" ! JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION.


    nearly right two breeds makes a crossbreed any more in the cross its a mongrel


    Just to make it interesting, LOL !! What if you have a Saluki/Grey x Deer/Grey and you can trace all the forebears back for hundreds of years and it is a planned specific linning...are the pups Mongrels ? I don't think so... they are Lurchers; or more specifically, "Longdogs".... Certainly NOT Mongrels !!


    yes your right the are lurchers but still mongrels just useful ones!



    yes i was never saying they were not good or anything, i was just stating we nearly all have mongerals, and if what fence hopper said is true then we are all getting ripped off...i dont think it matters to any of us what anybody pays for a cross breed or be it a pure breed, if they are willing to pay the price then it up to them.....

  10. you dont know til you try :thumbs:


    i wouldnt said he got ripped off at £150 .

    if he paid £1200 for a puggle thats a rip off. :censored:



    its a mungrel mate no real purpose to the cross, people use to give dogs like that away, untill this fancy crossing charging silly money came in. i'd say he got ripped if he paid for it.



    if thats the case fence hopper, all of us are getting ripped off because what are lurchers???...mongerals :thumbs:

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