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Everything posted by craigheff

  1. collie x grey would prob do the job for you...atb mate
  2. lovely looking dogs mate..hope they go well for you
  3. we do plenty of walking it very rare we go out in motor, we normally have to walk 3 or 4 mile to find any quarry then walk back after lamping, legs like iron me !!! your a lyer aswel as being lazy
  4. saluki cross or collie cross id say mate..ATB CRAIG
  5. well done mate 15 is a great catch where im from f**k all bunnys around here
  6. http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/dogs/1082202
  7. good pics mate..some fine animals there to
  8. lovely pics mate..those saluki's are cracking looking dogs ..atb craig
  9. nice strong looking pup mate..what age is he in the pics?
  10. nice pics mate..what age is the pup?
  11. well done mate..some fine dogs you have there to ..atb craig
  12. that black dog is one beast of a dog..lovely looking animal, credit to you mate..atb craig
  13. put her to a good coursing greyhound..that would give em power,speed and a coursing greyhound has alot more stamina that a normal greyhound..
  14. ya but he was talking about coursing and it wouldnt be great to be doing much coursing when the ground is like it is
  15. im in the south of ireland and we didnt get any..getting alot of frost tho,the ground is frozen solid..pain in the arse..
  16. no bother mate..yous gettin much snow over there?
  17. it depends what the ground is like mate if the ground is soft underneat the snow id say why not give it a go..but if the ground is to hard i think it wouldnt be worth it, no point breaking up your dog for the sake of a couple of runs..if you do go let me know how you get on..ATB CRAIG
  18. nice strong looking dogs mate..ATB CRAIG
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