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Everything posted by p3d

  1. Would guess Russell/Wire Fox terrier.
  2. Looks Cairn to me, any photographs of the dog standing up? I dont see any Border or BullX/fell in it. Where would the prick ears come from? What weight is it? that would be a clue. i would guess that someone is missing a pet. Why the questions after 2 years. why would someone be missing a pet,shes been my daughters from a pup.just curious what breed she could be. OK, she's your daughters pet. Now. When anyone buys a dog or pup off a gypsy camp, there is a large risk that the dog has been lifted from someone's yard. I stress RISK. not a FACT. There are scumbags in every w
  3. Looks Cairn to me, any photographs of the dog standing up? I dont see any Border or BullX/fell in it. Where would the prick ears come from? What weight is it? that would be a clue. i would guess that someone is missing a pet. Why the questions after 2 years.
  4. If your dogs look like the one in the photo, It's my guess your doing something right. The Fell / Bedlington seems like a good choice, old photos of Tommy Dobson show dogs with that mix. I don't know enough about the breed, but the show people are not doing it any favours the way they trim the coat. It is a pity to see what the show people have done to so many terriers. It's good that there are guys like matulkoh and yourself working to keep it alive. ATB
  5. who ll take my dogs if i d be shot mate. goodpoint they look like quality dogs not afraid of some graft the black one is just youngster 7 months old but has all interest in all quarries. the white one is well tested on foxes, badgers, boars.... i ll be surprised if you can find such a game dog. never quit single fight though he was hardly injured. but this is not place where to put certain pics. white is KC stock black one is from my friend from UK worker to worker. if you wnt KCstock put the name down i ll have pups if you dont get in touch with Topper, Mikey...they go
  6. Good looking terrier, Hope he works out.
  7. Terrible when you loose one. Sorry to hear it. ATB
  8. Finished building this about 18 months ago. I agree with ERIK, be careful with your choice of terriers if you intend keeping them together. I used the side of the house, blocked off front and back to create the yard. Put a raised bench in an outhouse that contained the boiler, put a dog flap on the door for access. Sealed the concrete yard with a driveway sealer (black) form B&Q. Would not suit everyone, but is working for me.
  9. Saw a dog brought into Ireland in the late 70's, dark blue in colour called "Flint'. I believe he was from a working strain in the north of England. He was a powerful looking dog must have been close in type to what the old bedlington looked like. (not the show type) The guy who had him was a very experienced terrierman, he had a yard which included some good terriers. This dog never showed any interest in the field and no amount of patience helped. I know you can not judge a breed by seeing one terrier, but it left a bad impression. IMO the show type is not a terrier. More of a Whip
  10. Would be great to turn back the clock, have some of those old dogs in the yard again, great photos.
  11. Healthy looking pup, all the best.
  12. Everything you have written is spot on Dee mac. The red dog in the Photo's worked a similar way. He used his noggin in a difficult situation. Rarely got badly bitten. But if he encountered any quarry with space available he would close like a Staff, no baying. Now nearly every one of the Fox we might come across were 12 to 14lb examples. (Once came across a 16lb dog fox). These dogs (and they were not the best) would finish the fox like it was a cat. (I am not saying they killed cats, in case any sensitive souls are reading this, I mean they would show it no respect). The whole topic
  13. Bull russels? Tinytiger, I don't know where that text came from, it is not in the original post? It came out in the wrong place when i tried to reply to your post with the pictures in it,i was asking are they bull russels or very strong russels. The red dog is half staff/russell The first white is quarter EBT The second white, I am not sure, probably EBT back there somewhere.
  14. Bull russels? Tinytiger, I don't know where that text came from, it is not in the original post?
  15. Pre-ban a bitch that only worked fox would not be kept in my experience, Some of these bitches (and dogs) would be handed down to hunt terrier men. If they bred from these bitches it was for there own use. They had no problem using baying/bolting terriers. To say that these men weakened the terriers we have today might be overstating things. There were 2 grades of terrier for 2 types of quarry. I agree with Fat man that badger dogs were kept away from fox. I have seen several occasions where a small earth stinking of fox would be skipped over. We were after different quarry and would n
  16. You make some good points, unfortunately slagging people off has become a pastime for some people. Some do it as their sense of humor (innocent banter), some do it because of a long term grudge (tribal fueds: Booth,Nuttall etc..) and some are just stupid or vindictive (using people's personal life/family or naming them: Christian name in one post Surname in the next post) The last type are the most corrosive, The Anti's must be having a field day gathering names off these fools. There is one last type of slinging that does damage to terriers in general, that is breed prejudice, Plum
  17. Same size opening I would use and like yourself use the bar as I get closer to pin point the exact spot. Thanks.
  18. Thanks Busterdog, I was describing the opening as 5x3 and 3 feet deep. (5x3 tube and I would run through it myself ) If the terrier is 3 foot deep, surface to bottom of tube, what size hole would you normally dig? ATB
  19. Fatman/Rabbit Hunter, This might sound like a daft question, I am hoping to be digging next season after a long break from the field. My 2 dogs (17months) are coming on OK, ratting/bushing and traveling through empty earths at this stage. When I dug in the past we opened perpendicular to the tube,using a mattock, the opening would be 5feet x 3Feet minimum.(3Feet deep) Therefore where "X" marks the spot on the surface, we would be 2 1/2Feet either side of the mark.. When using a B&F collar box, what size of opening would you be opening to come down on the side of the tube?
  20. BOLIO1 I agree, The sad part is that the breed clubs/ Interest Groups spout this rubbish and Joe public accepts it. The lads who hunt,fought dogs in the past (pre shows 1870+) would spin in there graves if they saw what happened to there breeds. I can barely struggle to understand the people who try to justify the NORMAL shaped terriers. (Border, Staff, Parson etc..) but at least they had some recent history. BUT the people who fool themselves that a deformed breed like the Glen worked underground, or fought to scratch!! That the Bedlington that Joseph Aynsley bred still exists!! Wh
  21. Is this the dog you have in mind. last dog used in a turnspit in Wales. c 1850 Looks like version of a Teckel to me. Below is an engraving and text; Turnspit dog at work in the inn at Newcastle, Carmarthen, Wales, c1800 (1869). These short-legged dogs were bred especially to work in wheels turning cooking spits. By 1800 the breed had almost disappeared. Same image different source: A Dog Turnspit in a Kitchen at Newcastle Emlyn, South Wales by Thomas Rowlandson. c. 1800. Source: Jekyll, page 43. In some old spits . . . turnspit dogs were the motive power. From the spit, a
  22. Interesting read,id say the theory about them coming from flanders via hessian mercenaries is pure shite though-they are too much like a wheaten ,appearance and workwise not to be from the same origin.. There are a few inconsistent ideas in the original post. Not having a go Billy Bunter, but where did the first paragraph come from? I have lived and travelled in Ireland my whole life, seen a fair few big houses that are open to the public. I have a good grasp of irish history and its architecture. I have never seen a "spit" that was powered by a dog. Does anybody else have evidence
  23. The "B&F" collars are sealed units, Switched and recharged from the outside. They also use a plastic coated red collar with brass fittings, coupled with a stainless "Bomerang Tag" should prove watertight and reliable. IMO it's never naive to ask a question, only naive to think we know all the answers! Found these photo's on the internet. (Entering,Listening,both taken in 1939) Note the lads are congregated at an entrance/opening,(like listening to an old radio) A lot of information could be had from listening to the baying of the terrier. Some guys knew there dog well e
  24. Steve, you tend to take a scattergun approach to your answers. Your replies are to 3 different people on 3 different posts. I will deal with my post. the other lads can answer you directly. Mentioning 2 old books where the only detail on digging was trenching, was in reply to question in the original post. (Any books from back in the day...?) The first paragraph explained how WE dug DOWN onto the terrier in detail. (Noting that there were other methods used by other people). If WE did NOT trench, hard to see how I was endorsing trenching. Listening at entrances and using a branch
  25. Did you actually READ this thread? Do you understand what perpendicular means? Do you understand what opening up between terrier and quarry means? Do you think these posts advocated Trenching or staying at home on Windy days?
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