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About gardner

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 29/10/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    pencoed south wales
  1. i neaver feed mine before i go out. [bANNED TEXT] i do feed it it seems to stay under for ages not kill under tho. i dont feed them the day before either the seem more eaiger then.
  2. hi im thinking of getting a bediwhipet for my first dog. could you plz put up some pics so i could have a look. chears
  3. Dobby,you probably know more than me on the subject,seeing as i have no experience with the type.But i was told that if you mate beddyxwhippet to a beddyxwhippet,they are never as good as a first cross,which would be a beddy put over a whippet,or whippet put over a beddy,F**k me i'm confusing meself I've just bought a First cross,as this is what a man in the know told me i needed.What's the right breeding to have?Bill i would put a whipprt back over a bitch dobby hey how do u set the pic on the right hand side were is says born hunter or newbe
  4. i got told that was a good small dog to get for rabbits. have you got any ideas about small dogs that are good for rabbits? coz i want to get 1
  5. hey im thinking of getting a whipet x bedi im just woundering how good people are getting on with them?
  6. here's the dad here's the dad and the proud mum here's the dad and the proud mum DON'T WORRY,I'LL GET IT RIGHT SOON! :11: hey mate nice pups. were you form in wales?
  7. hi everyone is anywhere in south wales where i could get permition to go ferreting? realy need somewere new to go thanks!!!
  8. just woundering what is the best type of lurcher to hunt rabbit and fox??? any for sale near south wales?? pups!!!
  9. stunind looking dogs mate!!!
  10. sorry to here that mate she looked a stuning dog
  11. hey, im from south wales and i ofter go out with the gun around the local farms after anything i guess but mainly rabbits. a few friends have got dogs now and we mainly are out to get rabbits. any tips for good lamps and batterys?
  12. yea i go shooting around the local farms but now im starting to use dog after rabbits and foxes
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