hello all im in need of some advive infomation, my jrt bitch what ive had lined she was lined on her 11th 12th 13th day of her heat which was the 3rd 4th and 5th of dec, im sure she had stoped bleeding from her heat but last nyt i noticed a bit light blood and the same today? could this be because of her heat or her mating, the dog i used was the same size and like a sed sucesfuly tyed 3 times, does the bleeding mean shes just not taken and passn out her eggs? any help info will be much appriched thanks mick
hello all im in need of some advive infomation, ive got a jrt bitch what ive had lined she was lined on her 11th 12th 13th day of her heat which was the 3rd 4th and 5th of dec, im sure she had stoped bleeding from her heat but last nyt i noticed a bit light blood and the same today? could this be because of her heat or her mating, the dog i used was the same size and like a sed sucesfuly tyed 3 times, does the bleeding mean shes just not taken and passn out her eggs? any help info will be much appriched thanks mick
the bitch in my profile pic is not my dog, its a bitch called roxie booth nuttal bred her sire is called badger and dam monkey i think [bANNED TEXT], shes in the US like, its the closest pic i could find to the bitch i own my self spit double of her,
for coure il be breeding hes the best at what he does il be selling his offspring for about 1000 pounds each place your orders now before they all sell
bought this little fellow off a good friend of mine a while ago but wanted to make sure he was ok before i put pics up, goes to ground 100% he does not bayer hes a killer never let down so far bred from 2 top earth workers what do yous think mick
hi all, i have 2 dvds on lurchers one is the complete lurcher and running dog dvd and the other is coursing dogs on the fens, im after a couple of dvds either on terriers ratting,or earth dogs digging ext, if any one is intrested send me a pm to disscuss genuine people only thanks mick
no [bANNED TEXT] bought her in as a pup, from 2 ground dogs used purely for hard work, althougth my not guna use her for such work, she will get her chanse at fox as well as the bushin, ferretn, shes 14tts
cheers fellas shes shown good signs she can bush mark up ferret and pick up a scent no problem goes to ground for rabbits if she can no probs, so hopefuly next year
take a look on the tradinal jack russel thread, dont let size fool u my bitch is 7-8inch to the sholder and works rats no problem bushes aswel her dam had been to ground with no problems and the dog im puting over her is about 7inch tts and will rock on alday al be keeping a pup back myself to to ground mick
just me i dont wrap me self up when am out but i do like to keep warm and i would not have a dog with a bad coat even if it could work more problems than enough in my opinoin mick