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About borderbitch

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    North East

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  1. Cheers it goes to show tho that even this type can change and look good with the right diet and conditioning fitness
  2. Cheers am trying to find a good kc dog to put on her but it's like looking for hens teeth
  3. My kc bull terrier bitch from show stock here in the U.K. Doing well
  4. Wanted mk3 ferret finder box only north east area 07784459407 cheers michael
  5. Wanted mk3 ferret finder box only north east area 07784459407 cheers michael
  6. New for 2014 Bedlington x lurcher championship at Wolsingham open show, if any body is wanting to have a qualifier class please contact me on 07784459407 michael
  7. I have two mk3 ferret finders both not working does any one know of anybody that can fix them or were to send them thanks
  8. I have two mk3 ferret finders both not working does any one know of anybody that can fix them or were to send them thanks
  9. this is piss takn to be honest why has ny post been locked were i got it from is no ones buisness to start this is no ferret i have you clown its a simple f***ing post wanted not lets have a debate on the matter ne wounder u dont bother on here its full of arm chair wana be hunters who aint got a clue as for price who says anything about puting it up u all make me laugh
  10. hello all im after a eu polecat hob (not a ferret that looks like a polecat) in county durham area to go with a eu jill i have thanks
  11. eating her own shit they sometimes do this because they are not geting [BANNED TEXT] they need in there diet what are you feeding her give her a gud wormer also
  12. 3/4 Beddy whilpets due first december in county durham inbox for details
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