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Everything posted by jarv5116

  1. Iv feed mine everything! rabbits crows pigeons my dads racing pigeons. Only thing I wouldnt throw in is maxi rabbits!
  2. Thing they dont relise is the young lads have got up off there arse and started a hobbie that they enjoy and keep them from sitting around street corners all day. when you turn the page in the guardian there prob a story complaining about young teens destroyin the streets and cause havoc! cant win either way!
  3. Were about in angus aree you mate! Im in arbroath and looking do bit ferreting for up in coming season! Its my first season in few years and dont really know anyone into it in this area. Was wondering if fancy day out?

  4. Alright lads just having a shot in the dark and asking if there anyone in angus area wants hand with rabbits with the ferrets! cheers j
  5. do you recomend any books or sites on making nets or is it best to ask someone to show me how to ? thanks net making vids are plentyfull on youtube but as said already by others 10z nets at a £1 each are a bargain and will last you for a very long time. Mate I got taught if one of the old timers when I was at school dont think reading a book will help either go on you tube or get someone to show you is your best bet! But as lads are saying your prob best buying them if there good nets and cheap! I might buy them too ha ha
  6. Make them yourself mate cheaper and easier!
  7. Iv decided to start ferreting again started buildaing my hutch today! looking good if i say so myself Also made my first purse net today in 10 years my hands are raw with blisters but its looking good.
  8. alright mate

    I treid pm u but it wouldnt let me!

    was wondering if you had any ferrets left or know any one in area n

    cheers jamie

  9. yeah i know mate looks like it was wanting go out for morning first before i jump back into it again if ya get me
  10. HIYA GUYS AND GIRLS I had ferrets for years when I was younger from when was bout 5 year old, till was 20. joined the army and gave up hunting and all the fun I used to have on cold winter mornings! My circumstances have now changed and was thinking about getting back into it. I still have all my nets and locators and the lot up the loft. I was wondering if anyone lives in the angus or tayside area and could take me out for the day to see if still have the intrested like i used too. before i jump in and get ferrets again. Cheers any help be great!
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