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About nobo

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 21/12/1920

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  1. some great looking whippets on here this one is my 6 month old bitch
  2. That is just bullchit...i have been to his home many times and his dogs are keeped in good order. Same as that every time i have been down to his, his yard has been spotless and his dogs in tip top condition, i like the man he has never done me any wrong
  3. Thanks lads Strong stuff the day we meet i wonted to shack your hand for making great collars i even told you so, i had a walk around the show and went and got a few collars out of the van to show you my work as i thought that you mite appropriate it being a collar maker your self, how wrong was i, as soon as you seen them your mood changed and not for the best as scalesntails has said no competition here i make top end leather collars not webbing, i have even told people who wonted my work for there young dogs to by a collar off you for there dogs to save them money and to come back to me
  4. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  5. 4 Points. A. I haven't heard any feedback on his gear from anyone that has had it on a dog day in day out for 5 or more years? B. One some of the photos of his collars, the 2" wide flat type, the D does look close enough to the buckle to touch when the dog is running. C. It's leather, it will stretch, it will go slimy, it isn't bleachable to remove any incriminating evidence. D. No jealousy here, I think his gear is overpriced and he's a tool, certainly not the "hardcore dogman" he was shouting about being when he threw a temper tantrum the day he met me NOBBO ...........
  6. well thanks for you words you ant got a dog to fit in to my work prick
  7. i went for the 8x32 in the ES's i think that they are by far the best out there glad that i got mine a good few years ago tho as they ant half gone up in price :icon_eek: all most double [bANNED TEXT] i payed for mine
  8. whats the price of one email me your dogs neck size mate and i will get back to you harrisandwatson@gmail.com
  9. nice collars, can you make them thinner,say a inch wide with 1 buckle? yes mate i make [bANNED TEXT] ever you wont http://harrisandwatson.webs.com/index.htm
  10. if you have still got them try these, they fined homes for all mastiff breeds, if Jacky can not help she mite know some one who can http://www.canecorsoukmolosserrescue.com/
  11. i think the only way to tell a 1st from the reprint is the printers mate as they both have the same date in, the 1st ed was printed by glenside printing south wales. i hope that this helps
  12. i would love him j1985 for me mark and deb have got some of the best stuff out there, that was a cracking litter that they bred i just wish that i had the spaces and time to bring one on
  13. every city in the UK would be a much better place if the Pierpoint family were back at work,once young Albert had,had a quicklook ,and a quiet word ,the problem would be solved. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  14. great pics mate, i ant seen any yet around my part of the midlands
  15. Any think that Roger Phillips has done is worthy a place on my book shelf, that mushroom book is one of, if not the best out there
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