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Everything posted by lodgesmith

  1. seen few videos on that red dog stamina is unbelievable.But being saluki that what you get .But still an outstanding dog
  2. Good luck casper nice dogs forget that prick
  3. As rascal said big drop in rabbits up my way .foxes eveywhere day and night.bolt more foxes than rabbits
  4. j ust go round the streets in hatfeild plenty of rats its the best dump.lol Go to stanborgh lakes on the lake banks or the river banks had some go times
  5. when the blood gose from red to clear is a good sign .
  6. Lads never tryed baled straw for kennel before how often do you change it and do you leave it in a bale.
  7. Can anyone tell me when showing there lurchers What are the judges looking for
  8. Every dog is different once you get to know your dog You will be able to tell how much road work, walks,running etc is needed to keep his or her fittness up
  9. cocker do you leave it as a bale .And how long dose the bale last
  10. Bit boreing but whats everyone use for kennel bedding
  11. feed terriers on raw meat .its great stuff but is she to young for raw meat at 8 weeks.Yes heard good thing about goats milk
  12. Just got new pup 8 weeks old pleased with dog .But breeder has not been feeding the best of foods.Just want to build the pup up to give her the best start. Any suggestion
  13. still looking for good lurcher pups in the northeast
  14. Any good lurcher pups due to be born in the north east or is there any pups already .please keep me in mind
  15. Debens long range terrier locator and coller perfect working order £130
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