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Everything posted by paulk73

  1. thanks for the message paul73,I only find as I see and my plummer has his faults as a headstrong fecker, but gives 100% most days,I nearly lost him the other day though,I was flying my harris,female 2lb6oz on rabbits the other day as usual with him bushing them,she missed and marked a patch of brambles,I put the dog in, it bolted through the wood with the dog behind it,she flew it,the rabbit shot down the hole,the dog popped his head in the hole just as the bird arrived and decided the dog would do instead,2lb6oz at 25 mph,knocked the dog over,footing him through his tongue and eye socket,ne
  2. well mate id say 3.5 hrs well spent. cos it works and you med it yourself
  3. thats not going to happen mate. you have a pm
  4. well done mate. was it hard to make? wouldnt mind making one of those myself
  5. dont know owt about digging mate, but that makes so much sense to me. like anything else, its all about getting the job done as efficiently as possible
  6. shes a lovely loking bitch bbb. she dont look 5 yrs mate.
  7. every credit HR. as long as its right for you. dont worry what everybody else does or thinks.
  8. shes a fine looking bitch and fine looking pups too mate. you get a lot of people slagging them off but each to their own i say. i dont dig but those that do might not want a plummer, or some might, horses for courses atb
  9. the only reason I asked was to get an idea what they fetched these day's.I have been offered a grand for my dog and never took it,once you have a bond with your dog no amount of money will buy it,he has only sired one litter and they were all dogs,four of them,all went to working homes but are lunatics for fighting and are a pain in the pants to take out with other dogs. the guy from wyremead posts on here. he is an absolute mine of info. if you pm him he will be able to point you in the right direction, he posts under the name amadore.
  10. i dont want to go into money, on a public forum. however what i will say is its no where near as much as some of the prices ive heard banded around on here. and im that impressed with him, if someone offered me ten times what i gave for him it wouldnt be any where near enough for me to part with him. i wouldnt part with him. end of..
  11. i got my dog last summer from wyremead, he is almost 8 months old now and coming on well. you wont be disapointed.. just wish id made the leap sooner
  12. looks like you had a good day mate. how old is the pat? he looks a belter!
  13. made up for you mate. you will be ready for a good nights kip , i bet
  14. did you get them on the deads, livies or lures
  15. the organism, that causes the disease leptospirea, has about 7 or 8 varients of the disease, and although there are vacines available for one or two of the most common strains, just because the dog is vacinated against these does not gaurentee immunity to the other strains. so the guy could have in theory been up to date with his dogs jabs
  16. just a quick one made. did the whippets become hard mouthed on rabbits after their first brush with the rats? p.s. well done with the whippets by the way
  17. just a quick one made. did the whippets become hard mouthed on rabbits after their first brush with the rats?
  18. once the water temp gets up a bit and stays up for 4/5 days, its defo worth getting yourself on the bank. infact its worth getting out now as long as the water is not frozen. and find the holes and fetures on the water and even if you blank the 1st time youl have done yor homework, and have some ideas of where to start your next attack on the water. all the best
  19. ive had pike grab a jack that was bringing in but never actually laned one like that. what has happened to me though, i was fishing a subsurface gliding lure on a canal when i got a take. i stuck felt the fish was on and reeled in.the trace had some how got over the fish's back then over the bend of the bottom treble and as iv been reeling in the trace has tightened up round the gills effectivly snaring the pike. no hooks where attached to the fish. just lasooed yeeha
  20. there is some footage on youtube of a guy called denzilwidzy. the way that guy handles and releases his pike is a disgrace. i would be too embarrassed to post footage like that on you tube. stood up holding the fish at chest hight then dropping it. dragging fish up gravel bankings. people like that give responsable fishermen a bad name
  21. thats a real good looking dog mate!!!
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