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Everything posted by paulk73

  1. Get it on ebay. My mate sold one exactly the same this year. he got 470 for it from a guy from sweeden. the guy even paid the postage. apparently they cost mega bucks over there pal.
  2. Wanted ns 50 or Sony handy cam nv set up. cash waiting ready for the right kit!!!!
  3. Is this finder still available ? What gear are you after? Deadbaiting or lure fishing gear? .
  4. That isall you need pal. and tbh i think the rustic look is much better.
  5. i had one of those leaks when i first got mine, but it turned out that the cylinder wasnt screwed on properly. lol
  6. Lol don't know what happened there mate. i sent that off my phone, its new and im not sure how to work it proper yet. Anyway, it came back today. its bang on again, as far as i can tell. need to get it out over some longer ranges.
  7. Well they say it will deffo be back at the shop today. if it dosnt turn up im going to tell them to send me a refund .
  8. Well they say it will deffo be back at the shop today. if it dosnt turn up im going to tell them to send me a refund .
  9. Well they say it will deffo be back at the shop today. if it dosnt turn up im going to tell them to send me a refund .
  10. Anyone here had any problems when sending something back to them for service or repair? I sent my hw 100 back because the firing valve was faulty. i was told 6 days originally. It will be a month on Saturday since i dropped it off at my local gun shop. every time i call i get told a different story. i sent one back in 2007, i know they where flooded at the time, but they had my gun that time for 12 weeks, for a service and a new barrel.
  11. check out the EPTS. european plummer terrier society. should point you in the right direction.
  12. i made a big box affair. like a giant bird box, with a flat piece of plywood for them to sit on and feed. it works a treat, even when there is leaves on the trees. ive nailed it to a tree bout 6 ft off the ground so they feel a bit safer. then i set up about 30 yards away, in full cammo and wait. they always approach from above. never along the ground. so i get plenty of movement in the tree tops as they are coming in.
  13. cgp wont let me do this for some reason???
  14. i have 1 of this seasons kits bolting rabbits, hes a big boy though, his litter sister is a good bit smaller so she isnt ready yet, and his litter brother is just to imature. hes as mad as box of frogs. he stands up on his back legs and bounces around, im sure he thinks he is a kangaroo!!!!
  15. went to shoot a few rabbits with a mate the other week. i got a 3/4 grown rabbit in the range finder, checked my hold over against the range finder, pulled the trigger, rabbit 1 down, not a twitch. its mate sat tight, so same thing. rolled straight over, but the rellet impact didnt sound right. upon checking out both bunnys, i found that both had been hit in the chest, not the head like i had aimed for. both rabbits had been cleanly shot, more by good look than good management. thing is before we started the session, i did a zero check, and things where spot on. so i did a chrono test on the h
  16. can the reticle be printed off tony or is it just the wheel format???
  17. can you still put all the relavent info in, to get the correct calculation??
  18. is it possible to print off scope cover labels from the chairgun software??? im struggling at the min. any help would be great. thanks
  19. my nets came today andy mate. they are bang on pal. thanks very much to you, and your missus for the advice.
  20. got a tic remover from pet shop today. dabbed it with alcohol, left it 5 mins then removed it. cleaned the cage out, (even though i only done it yesterday lol). i checked the ferrets, and they are all clear. also my andy kelly nets came today.
  21. i have recently become a ferret owner after 25 yrs away from them.dont be affraid to ask questions pal. its the only way we find stuff out. if you do decide to work them, get yourself a locater.
  22. i ordered some last week. they where sent on friday, so should be here monday or tuesday. cant wait to get rid of my 4z bisley rubbish.
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