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Everything posted by paulk73

  1. Got yo have a cruciate ligament op soon. snapped it 11 yrs ago. but cos its been so long both ends of ligament have dissolved, so they have to take some tendons from somewhere else and use that. 6 weeks off my feet and 6 months off work. needs doin now though. permanent swelling.pain and loss of mobility.
  2. paulk73


    My terrier caught a weasel in the back garden last year. was a bit gutted to be honest. i personally wouldn't shoot a stoat .
  3. Water feature kit for the garden?????
  4. Same happened to me yesterday pal. the ferrets demolished it. lol
  5. Thanks v much for the replies. got sorted this afty. thanks guys.
  6. Pcp wanted, must be in good nick. full set up prefered. f2f deal if possible.Lancs. cash waiting for right rifle.
  7. I play the 5 string banjo. not clawhammer, just bluegrass. i want to learn tenor banjo . and clawhammer. I love to be able to rattle a tune out of a tenor, like the late great barney mckenna .
  8. Thanks wurz pal. there are some good guys about still. a few of them on here. i consider my back, well and truly slapped. p.s. i might just take you up on that offer.
  9. Been looking for a kt stock for my hw 100 for a while now. tried hull cartridge, and was told 350 plus. so i put up a post for a swap for my shorter stock. got a reply off a guy called gurtwurz. what a genuine great guy. he sent me his stock, in advance to see if it was to my liking. it arrived today , and its just what i wanted. he was really helpful and seemed like a top bloke. my shorter stock is now packaged up and has the address lable on ready to get sent to wurz tomorrow or Thursday morn. which ever one my Mrs can do between work lol. cheers wurz mate.
  10. I would go and give him a knock, but if truth be told im only little, and a bit of a sh#t house. lol
  11. Affraid i can't really coment on this one as I've got a really thick lustrus barnet
  12. No malt i can't. enlighten me mate
  13. agreed iana. put a bit of duct tape on the safety catch so as not to lose the minute spring like tjhe first time i did an and spent 2 hrs on my hands and knees on the kitchen floor. i finally found it under a skirting board. lol
  14. cant believe nobody has said cockleshell bay, with robin and rosie. does anybody remember this??? and portland bill????
  15. quality, alberto frog and his animal band.
  16. paulk73


    Went to watch some young lads cage fighting last year local to me. and i got talking to bispings brother. he was a nice guy, but his pal said he was a bit of a handful when he got going. they had a reet ald swallow. and a great night was had by all.
  17. si my last 2 hw100 where both thumb hole stocks, and i liked the balance and feel of them. have you used this type of stock on a 100 before? If so how do you rate them? Also will the action drop straight in or will some alterations need to be done? Cheers Paul k.
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