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Everything posted by paulk73

  1. and they all of a sudden just stopped biting. one day they did. the next day they didn't!!!!!. madness. not been nibbled since Sunday or Monday.
  2. how long after giving birth/weaning kits is it safe to have a Jill spayed???
  3. i got a big run on the side of the shed that they live in. iv found a big shallow tray. 4ft x 18 inch, but only 4 inch deep. so they have this as a paddling pool. they love it.
  4. mine do it with squirrels. turn em inside out.
  5. is it the finger or the knuckle i put into the kits mouth??!
  6. mine are 8 weeks old and been handled every day since 3 weeks old. mine are biting down quite hard and drawing blood. think im gonna have to try putting my finger in the mouth.
  7. mine are 8 weeks old now. they are biting hard and are drawing blood. i haven't tried to put my finger in their mouth yet but will try it tomorrow. my other ferret kits wernt as bad as this last year. they never drew blood!!!
  8. i do have a chrono. i believe there is a bit of fine adjustment needed to get it right. does anyone have a price for XT9 to supply and fit????
  9. does anyone know of any vids on YouTube of how to fit a reg to an ultra?? cheers.
  10. i had a full length 90 with a silencer on it. it was mental long. sometimes had to toss a coin to decide whether to shoot the rabbits, or just joust them.
  11. cheers lads. one of them is massive. albino hob. he's nearly as big as his mum already. lol. im keeping him. he's a character.
  12. my kits are 7 weeks old at the min and are on a mixed diet of fresh meat and dry ferret food. im not feeding the ferret food dry. im soaking it with boiling water, then letting it cool down before feeding. just to soften it. what age is ok to feed it dry??.
  13. i have just built a 6x4 shed and put a 6x4 run on the outside. i currently have 1 Jill and 9 kits in there. the kits will be goin soon. then the Jill is getting spayed then when she is right the 2 hobs will be going back in with her.
  14. first and only thing to be worried about is your capability. if you can hit a 5p at 20 yrds every time. but not at 25, you have your answer. practice practice practice. you will get there but it takes time. its a horrible feeling wounding an animal. do everything you can to avoid this. it will still happen from time to time. it happens to every one but the less times it happens the better.
  15. i just make a big feeder out of plywood. about 18 inches high about 8 inch deep and 8 inch wide. cut a hole out at the bottom, then fix a feeding platform to the base. fill with bird nuts and corn flakes. leave in position for a week or so. just go back to re fill. make sure if you are making a hide, that this is done before the feeder goes up. also make sure you have a clear unobstructed view of the tree that you intend to fasten your feeder to. also make sure you remove any obstructive branches with a pruning saw, cutting close to the trunk, so not to damage the tree. as long as you have pe
  16. i actually enjoy reading the articles lol. all with a pinch of salt. of course
  17. no its in Preston pal. its for a mate. he just wants it for plinking in his back garden. i don't need one. i have a hw 100 kt .177. and a bsa ultra se multi in .22. cheers for the replys. much help:-)
  18. i googled it. lol. i came up with a shadow. don't know anything about these rifles. except that they are budget end stuff. don't know how they perform. anyone know anything about them??? anything specific to these rifles i should look out for???. i will be checking it with the chrono. and having a look for any serious knocks and bumps and the rest of the obvious. cheers
  19. a mate of mine has been offered an air rifle for 100 quid. im going to look at it with him tomorrow. apparently its got a black synthetic stock, its a springer and, it's got the number 1000, stamped on it. it comes with a bsa scope and a camouflage tactical bag. just wondered if anyone had any ideas as to what the rifle might be from this limited info. thanks.
  20. move the tyres and the wood pal. its the only way. I've moved bout 40 pissed wet through pallets for 1 rat before today.
  21. the new ultra se comes with bolt action instead of the mmc system. i much prefer the bolt action.
  22. cut the grass, get rid of the seed heads. temptation gone mate. not worth the risk if there is a play area behind. only takes one busy body to complain. whether there is any kids about or not.
  23. i agree. i have both these rifles.
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