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Everything posted by paulk73

  1. I've tried mole but im stupid when it comes to things like this.
  2. can't put the pics up. why can't this forum have a photo share facility, like Facebook???? just would make things simpler.
  3. been busy with work recently. so havnt paid my permissions as much attention as i should have. so i went sat early evening for 2 hours in the top field. took 6 nice clean rabbits. all cleanly head shot. only managed to pick 5 up as 1 got dragged through the sheep fencing into the garden of a private house. i could see the rabbits sliding across the ground as i went to pick it up, but in the fading light, it took a few seconds to see the little stoat attached to the front end of it
  4. wont match the build quality or reliability though mate.
  5. i just make a big feeder out of plywood with a feeding platform on the bottom. i fill it up with cheap corn flakes and a few nuts. it don't take long for them to find it. i just sit 30 yrds away in the shadow of a tree. it works really well.
  6. i took bout 20 off here a couple of weeks since so think I've made a bit of a dint in them. this place has never been over run.
  7. not been bitten off a rabbit, but as a youngster got bit off a big scabby old dog rat. was only bout 9-10. had to go for some jabs at the hozzi. and got a day off school.
  8. went out tonight on to a pig farm permission. only managed 3 rats and missed 1. the wind was howling and ihink this put the rats off to a degree, with all the loose pannels being blown about and clattering in the wind. plus the fact that i had quite a few in the cross hairs but wasn't confident enough of getting a clean head shot with the wind, but it still seemed a lot quieter than of late.
  9. anybody looking to sell their stuff??? or know of where i can buy a full set up relatively cheap???
  10. im looking to try and find all the equiptment and materials for making my own purse nets. ie. needles, spun poly, rings net boards and draw cord. would be great if i could buy all this in 1 hit. if not, let me know what you've got, and how much you want for it. cheers guys.
  11. i have my 17 yr old daughter who is very self conscious when out with her friends, but absolutely loves all the ferrets. she spends at least an hour a day if not longer tending the ferrets. cleaning them out. playing with them. guess im lucky.
  12. i would say sh/ hw 100. kt. in my eyes the ultra dosnt come close.
  13. im looking to try and find a seal kit for a webley raider. just wordering if anyone has a spare or if anyone knows where to get one. thanks.
  14. hope he gets a very friendly cell mate while he's on his holidays.
  15. that is some proper shooting there!!!!
  16. not being funny pal, but 4 hrs does in no way shape or form, come close to being a "shift". ha ha.
  17. set a cage trap up pal,and take the pup up every day when you check it. cover the trap with a piece of carpet or some other clutter. the dog will soon learn where you are going. let the dog sniff round the carpet with the trap under. the first time there is a rat in the trap the dog will let you know. let him mark the rat under the carpet. then praise him, remove and dispatch the rat. keep doing this for a few days, then take him for a look around the farm where the junk is. let him sniff about til he marks then move the junk for him. he will soon get the message pal.
  18. thinking of up grading my scope from my hawk airmax ag Sr 12. 6-18x44. not sure what to go for. i want something that is compatible with the n.s 50. night vision. the hawke scope is ok. im now using a hw 100 kt .177. would most probably be looking to part x my scope. if not, im willing to spend about 250 pounds ish. will i get anything better than i already have for that kind of cash?? was thinking of something with side paralax???
  19. now sold to a very nice guy. nice to meet you Chris.
  20. 6-24x56 ag ao any good??? are these scopes anygood for use with the n.s 50.?? im using a hawk airmax Sr 12 ax 6-18x44 at the min but would like to up grade without spending fortunes. i have seen the nikko scope for sale for 180.00. brand new. thoughts and or advice on an upgraded scope for about 250 ish.
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