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Everything posted by crazybones09

  1. get your bank card out and pay yourself you tight arse
  2. no mate i never put a deposit on the jeep or never would put one on a car where there head gasket is gona go it so no mate im not a feckin smart arse
  3. when viewed it.it needed a new rear n/s and o/s wheel bearings power stering pump oil cap had a creamy gunk on it and had no power to it and the pics are from the petrol station car park on kingsway arnt
  4. this jeep was for sale in manchester a few week ago its a scrapper totaly fecked
  5. was this for sale on ebay last week in doncaster
  6. Give us a ring bud im interested in the lamp how much will you take for it
  7. will try and get some up later on or pm me your number and ill text them to you
  8. how do you become a donator
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