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Everything posted by samuri

  1. thanks all for the info PHANTOM your not looking hard enough try again!!! cheers
  2. i agree with marksman about the strip down iv also heard of velocity tar used on the spring to reduce recoil ATB samuri
  3. my silencer doesent look to new either
  4. thanks for that info phantom the internals are from end cap 3 felt rings (as in pic) then a plastic washer (as in pic) 3 felt rings (as in pic) then a plastic washer (as in pic) and so on. ok so we have ruled out air arms any other makes we can rule out?
  5. nice shooting mate looks like you had a gud little spot to snipe from ATB samuri
  6. hi all i have a quick question does anyone know what silencer this is on my rapid its 260mm long and a slip on type any help would be great
  7. samuri


    dont forget to buy spare bands they dont last that long
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