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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. well done chap.....Good on yer ATB
  2. shooting season over.Now get on the permission doing some proper graft

  3. Nice one mate....Lokks like a nice chilled day. ATB
  4. Well to be fair......The lads yard looks clean and tidy,not covered in 6" of dog crap like some you see on here. His dogs look in decent nick and well looked after. Yes he is wearing a track suit but he's 14 and thats just what 14 year olds wear.Bit harsh to call him a chav on the back of that. I know what you are saying about some of the clients our sport seems to attracts but there are as many wrong ens that dress in real tree camo in the game as there are dressed in trackies. And yes the bit about the hares "ass" is a little bit strange to you and me but think back to when you wer
  5. Tidy looking lil bitch mate....Hope she does all you ask of her fella. ATB
  6. Nice pups mate...A credit to you. That white bitch looks a stunner,can see why you picked her for yourself.Best off luck with em fella ATB
  7. A love hart bull dog & a cut down curved graft....you'll not go far wrong mate IMHO ATB
  8. Good on yer both fella....no looking back now ATB
  9. Well done mate....looks like a good day ATB
  10. I would say that because he has never bitten you and so you are confident in handling him then he sences this and behaves him self were as if other people know he can be a bit of a bugger at times they will have a different attitude towards him and again he will sence the fear and try his luck. Is he a young hob as they often act like tis when they are young.A bit like most kids I suppose,they know who they can push their luck with and who they cant. ATB
  11. Now finished work for 2010.2 weeks off....lets get at em!!!!!

  12. Quite right there.to be fair you should make the effort to know were any brock sets are on your perrmision and stay well away from them.one thing loosing a ferret to them quite another getting caught "interfereing" with a badger set mate regardless of wether you intentions are good or not.Ignorance will be no form of defence in these circumstances and they would through the book at you fella. So if your not sure and you see large spills with bedding on them stay well away. Foxs can be a different story though mate as many will pull out rabbit places this time of year and squeeze in to the
  13. There was one in Wisbech, people fed the rabbits everyday, then sod misrable old sod put a rabbit with mixy on there, not a bunny left now there were 2 ferrets found on that roundabout aswell, never see one dead on the road "Freedom Bridge roundabout" A bloke I ferret with picked up vasectimised hob off there two years ago. Some muppet spent around £70 giving his hob the snip and then dumps it on the roundabout Takes all sorts I guess ATB
  14. This has been the most productive season up to this point I've had for many years. Good numbers at night with the dogs and in the day time with the ferrets. ATB
  15. Nice pack you got ur self there chap.Looks some strong looking beasts amongst em. Do the staffs work much mate? ATB
  16. nice looking pup mate....Hope she does all that you ask of her. Best of luck with her mate.Take your time with her though bud hey? ATB
  17. Sounds spot on fella.cant beat a bit of spade work on a cold day to keep you warm bud. ATB
  18. Each to their own realy mate hey? Personly I never put a ferret to ground without a collar so I can always tell exactly were they are in the warren.I personly prefer to do several small warrens in a day and keep on the move than stay at one or two large ones so with good ferrets we tend to give them 15mins after the last bolt and if we havn't seen them we'll get a mark on them.After which a fag and a cup of coffee and if they still havn't moved we whip them out.In my part of the world they are rarely more than three feet deep so doesn't take long and then your off to the next burrow. Couple o
  19. Thats the way forward ATB
  20. Happydays mate.....good on yer & the lad ATB
  21. Wish mine did mate.....just got my pup on the button and bang!!!full moon followed by 3 weeks house arrest by old jack frost.and my old dog was flying too but I definately dearn't run him cause he would surely smash him self into little pieces.he's good on all terrain wether its Grass,scuff or plough but just never seemed to learn to take it off the gas when its hard underneath. It'll take me the best part of a fortnight to get them both back to scratch when the thor comes but hey ho not alot I can do about it. ATB
  22. I have a few mk1s and to be honest never thought I could get to grips with the disco carrot but after being brought a set as a gift its all I ever use now. Still rate the mk1s very highly and if I my mk3 was out of action I would still be more than happy to go out with them again but I have to be honest and say that I honestly beleive the mk3 is the better peice of kit. Saying that though I still never go out without a grey box in my ferret bag as a back up and there is always one and a terrier collar in my landrover. ATB
  23. Well said chap.....No harm in a reminder mate ATB
  24. I've seen a couple work.The first was an out and out fox dog and the owner never used it for anything else.he would always have it with him on a dig in case of a bolt and take it out very regularly lamping charlie (pre ban obviously) and it was certainly very good at its job. The other was used as a general lamping dog (mostly rabbits) and to be honest wasn't that impressive.It was quite a clever dog with a good hearding instinct but was never realy quick enough to do the job regular.Although it was quite heavy and only worked now and again so fit,ripped & at the correct weight he may hav
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