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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. As said mate she is still pleanty young enough.If you have access to a good safe dog that will not run into others slipp her in beside it for a couple.this can soon sharpen them up but be sure its a safe dog the last thing your pup needs is a collision. Also dont do this to often as the pup can become dependant on running with another dog which coould bring you back to square one but it sure can help sometimes. ATB
  2. Looks the proper job mate.....Got to be an A* there fella Good luck with your results chap ATB
  3. to be honest mate I think you'll be luck if he makes 26". I would suggest 24" to 25" but you never know. Afterall whats an inch between friends ATB
  4. Depending on the time of the year A decent collie or alsation could catch a decent amount of hares,on the lamp.Lamped hares = a big NO SHOW in my books.But if you enjoy the advantage you have,against a lamped hare then ,enjoy. time of year??read the post winter wheat i said ,december,jan,feb and you can bring your collie or alsation down any time this week and we will see ,i agree not as hard as daylight by no means but the dont hang around in the lamp on big feilds no fences or walls and long grass here , Well said .However i have found that winter or summer hares, that h
  5. cheers for that mate not rushing the pup only had him out for a half a hour shine ,was just curious to see what other lads opinions were Thats the way fella.Take your time and he'll no doubt turn out just fine.And in my honest opinion a few easy bunnys at eight month will do him no harm at all and will give him somthing to think about over the summer months when he cant get any graft.Make him all the keener come the back end of summer mate.Never done any off mine any harm bud. ATB
  6. Depending on the time of the year A decent collie or alsation could catch a decent amount of hares,on the lamp.Lamped hares = a big NO SHOW in my books.But if you enjoy the advantage you have,against a lamped hare then ,enjoy. time of year??read the post winter wheat i said ,december,jan,feb and you can bring your collie or alsation down any time this week and we will see ,i agree not as hard as daylight by no means but the dont hang around in the lamp on big feilds no fences or walls and long grass here , Well said .However i have found that winter or summer hares, that h
  7. Could YOU catch a rabbit when you were 8 months old ??. GIVE the dog a bloody chance ,LOOKING at the next DOG 4 sale - just ready 4 starting advert. Bit harsh me thinks mate... The chap is only asking a perfectly reasonable question.And it sounds like its purley through concern for his dog. Cant see whats wrong with that. ATB
  8. They are all different mate and although most of us have a preferance between dogs and bitches I think most honest and experienced owners would tell you its whats between their ears that makes them or breaks them not whats between their legs. ATB
  9. Well done mate.And that is one stunning looking pup you have. ATB
  10. Now thats what HTL should be all about. Good on yer bird ATB
  11. I like the sound of the collie/whippet/grey alot, might even go 50% whippet because although i do work some large fields most are smaller with a fair bit of cover. never seen a cross with beddy in working though, what are they like?? and if i chose to go more whippet than grey would that mean it couldnt take a hare?? Beddy lurchers have long since been proven as cracking little lamping dogs especialy in smaller fields with headge rows and cover.Big harted little fellas and the ones that i have seen give their all mate. I would probaly go for one with some grey hound in it if I were thi
  12. Like bird says I think a collie x grey / saluki x grey would be a good choice for you but if you cant find one you like and your fields are quite small with lots of headges etc then a beddy whippet or beddy whippet x greyhound should do you a good service mate. ATB
  13. I've probably got a couple here now mate.Wouldn't be able to say for sure though mate Don't run hares under the lamp myself. ATB
  14. you thiught it was illegal to lamp in the uk ......thats how i heard it all not nut sack well im just goin from what usless ametures from england like u were tellin me. So you started hunting at 16 had several dogs by the time you were 20 only a few off them were real uns so you get rid of the rest. Because you do a few nights a week you have the experiance and knowledge to know that these dogs (that you dont even know any background or breeding) are the best and engish men are useless and ameture. Christ all mighty mate...Me thinks you must "GET ON THAT BUS" atb
  15. I was an 11 year old lad still learning and yes running a rabbiting dog at hares. Iv said this to plenty of people like you before on here and Ill say it again. your brave on your computer because chances are youll never see me in "real life" and you know and take comfort from that. You sound a total nonce to me and every one else I think?! And if you carried on like that in front of me id punch your face to ribbions. you childish fool. Rabbit dog on a hare it may have been but most of us started that way and I remember them odd kills and going home with it to dad with me ch
  16. stunning pups mate...as is the old chap..Can't remember last time I saw a litter of pups as easy on the eye as them little fellas. Credit to you bud. ATB

    1. fensaluki


      Bless em!!!then there top notch kids for sure :)

    2. gamerooster
    3. toffee


      thats what a thought mate a had her den covered an sh was not for leaving so a let her be, cheers mate

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. All ours have lived with cats, can take them to other peoples houses with cats and walk them past any in the road. They were all trained like that from pups, if i told them to nail one they would but i never have or will. I think cat chasing or killing is just a nuisance. No surer way to lose permission than killing the farmers wifes pet. My wife also used to keep rats, and we could put them on the floor and tell the lurchers to leave and they would (not the terrier though, we didnt get him as a pup) even seen the rats get into the lurchers bed. My friends old coursing bitch would go o
  19. Very sad....Seems such a waste R.I.P fella ATB
  20. Glad you had a good season mate...I have also and am already looking forwards to August/September as I have every year for as long as I care to remember. Keep at em mate and happy hunting ATB
  21. A few more attitudes like this and I honestly beleive there would be alot more lurchers doing their thing insted of living in the the rescue centers ATB
  22. Nice looking bitch though mate ATB
  23. What would be the advantage of putting greyhound into a gundog?........... A more versatile athletis animal perhaps, now if I had a pound for every time I seen labs etc have gates opened for them or be lifted over a fence I'd be a rich man for sure. back to these shit dogs that you have seen again mate.....6 bar gate no problem here.... But stop and think , the question is basically about lurchers versus gundogs (simplified I know) your comparing them to your labs, might anyone else be (me) comparing their lurchers to the labs they've seen. Answer honestly how many sh
  24. Then you go for it then fella...And hat of to you. As said no reason why he couldn't be a little world beater.could just be clumbsy as he's never been out ?? Hope it all goes right for you mate whatever you decide to do ATB
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