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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. I'm going to try this. Thanks. [/quot works a treat mate...I use to stretch em until I found out about this way now I use it all the time Happy days
  3. Good on yer mate...them little critters work hard for you so they deserve a bit of good living hey? ATB
  4. I find this (CHINNING ) to be the best way of dispatching ferreted rabbits as AJW quite rightly says. The stretch method mentioned by yourself and max abell is also very good but I just find it easyer to "chin em" in the net.Although "chopping" is an affective method of dispatch if you do it properly it will cause havock with your hands by the end of a good day and when you come to skin your quarry you will find it badly bruised I'm sure you did it right the first time and it was just nervs. ATB happy hunting
  5. Were are you at mate??? Is it a dog or a bitch ????
  6. I've got a Staffordshire bull terrier called STAFF...........That one took some thinking of I'll tell ya
  7. You want to send him this way with his so called hard man dog I'm sure ive got a couple of little four leeged worriers that can sort him out LOL Seriously though mate he just sounds like a bully but as I said don't rise to his bait you'll get the last laugh it always catches up with them in the end
  8. You should be fine mate ....I think I'm right in saying that you only have to be 25ft away from a public BYWAY when shooting directly away from it with a shotgun.As long as you step of the public FOOTPATH on to your permision you should be fine with an air rifle wich I assume you were using as you said you are going to apply for your shotgun license. If he's that clever and experianced when it comes to shooting he would have known that the pheasant shooting season is nearly half way through so god knows were he has his out of season bit from and the only person that can legaly demand that yo
  9. I only know of it from the vet mate but if you are getting the pup to feed from a syringe hopefully it should start looking for the teat.Be sure to keep a very close eye on it though fella they can go downhill quickly
  10. Hi Mate...Welcome to THL... Hope you enjoy ATB
  11. sure should fella...a pup will soon dehydrate without fluid....the sooner the better mate. Good luck ATB
  12. Superb round mate... I use .22 hornet.....222rem.......& 22.250 AND FIND THE .222 the best ALLROUND round certainly of the .22 centerfires Great for foxs and also great for roe in Scotland ( as long as you shoot within your limits) but that goes for all shooting hey?
  13. i agree but if Hare is shot with a shotgun by an experienced shot and killed humanely then it would be much more humane than if it was run by a dog because it would just be bolted and shot but if it was run by a dog it would go through a huge amount of fear and excaustion As we are talking about hare SHOOTS whats the difference between a hare being put up three fields away by a beater and chased to a gun or being put up by a dog & handler given 100yrds grace and chased three fields to either its fate or escape. as for fear/humanity have you evr seen the look on a hares face when it
  14. Only my honest opinion but surely all threads like this do are put nails in all of our sports coffins.Personly Shooting hares doesn't do anything for me and I would rather see them run by a good dog but as several people have said in this thread I'm not going to call another mans sport wether it's coursing them,Shooting them or chasing naked after them round the field until they laugh themself to death.Anyway hares are quite a territorial animal and dont tend to travel very far so what difference dose it make to any of us what another man dose on his permmision ?? Surley if you control you
  15. as allrounder says mate. let him be a pup whats inside him will come out when he's good and ready fella ATB
  16. well done lads and lassie.......keep up the good work good on yer
  17. If your doing a horse yard fella dont forget to be thourough when it comes to the kick boards inside the stables.As the stabbles are usualy on hard concrete floors they cant get out underneath and only from the visable holes.A hosepipe or bucket of water straight in the top tends to bolt them and more often than not they will bolt into the stable giving an unexperianced dog a better crack at em.do these last as bolted rats that have escaped will often hide in the giving you another go at em. Happy hunting and the best of luck
  18. is the bitch anygood with ferrets mate?....any chance of some pics fella?..thanks
  19. nice lookig little bitch all the same though mate ATB
  20. good looking pups mate....all the best with em
  21. dont be silly mate your not stupid for asking sensible questions and asking for a bit of advice in fact just the oppersite.Its good to see as some newcomers to our sport just get their ferret,dont give it any education,chuck it down a hole and then when they find it either sculks,nips or dosnt bolt on its first outing they either get fed up and don't take em out any more,knock em on the head or worst case leave them in the field causing the ferreters reputation to plumit and detering other newcomers who could do well in our sport. Prob best to give em another month or two (but wont hurt if
  22. fensaluki


    go for the liteforce striker mate...surely the best all round hand held lamp about at the moment (or remote mounted come to that). Very hardy,weatherproof and you can quickly change your beam from spot to flood by simpley turning thhe front lamp housing. each to their own but I've used them for years trouble free....good luck & happy hunting
  23. Welcome mate....good luck with your pup....keep us posted on the progress
  24. even at eight months mate they are still young and trying to learn their trade and if they are going to ground for decent amounts of time and are showing at most if not all holes then they are sure to be doing their best for you. Stick with it mate it will all come right in the end
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