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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. Stick with her mate and just try easy slips as surggested.....I'm sure she'll come good in the end...sounds like she's just trying to use her head a little bit to much at the moment thats all Good luck mate ATB
  2. Looks like a little cracker mate....ATB with her
  3. Yip thats what i do, Use the red too find the quarry then when i do flick too plain white beam and send him on, Catch or miss then filter back on and carry on.... spot on same here but if the rabbits close enough and theres more layed out there ill keep it on, but thats only on real close ones This is certainly how I get my best results however my ol mate realy dosnt like taking them out of the seat but my mates dog that takes sitters realy well makes some great bags under a red fillter...Cant beat a good race though hey? ATB
  4. Nice write up mate and a cracking pair of whippets.....a credit to you ATB
  5. Well done mate....Hows the bitch bred an what age is she fella ? ATB
  6. long shot mate but I have seen befor were a Keeper,farmer or another pest controler has tryed gasing the rabbits without letting the appropriate people know. Ie yourself,other Ferreters whilst the weather is to dry. With the pellets that are used today they can lay dormant in the holes for a while and with the rain we have had latley it may have dampend them & activated them. I hope not fella and I hope she pulls through ok ATB
  7. Good price that mate......You would do well to keep in with him unlike the muppet on the pushbike hey ? ATB
  8. Shocking mate.....dont know what else to say to be fair fella. Surley not even just a bad accident with a dog that aint stock proof as i would fancy they could have got to it and away befor it killed a big strong cob mare like that hos. I recon them blokes need a last trip in a black car cock.....ATB mate and good luck
  9. very good book mate"in my opinion" not sure whats not to like about it myself but different people like different things fella. good job were all different as the world would be a boring old place but I enjoyed it ATB
  10. you'll get one or two mate but do ask yourself is it realy the right thing to do,finding stone dead birds in any sort of cover can be extremely chalenging even if they are close and you have marked them well but retreiving runners is a hole different kettle of fish.what seems like an easy task to catch up with a wounded cockbird across a ploughed field soon proves to be a nightmare when he runs up a furough and in to the ditch across the way and is lost(wounded). bearing in mind most of the pheasants that you will get a shot at will be shot from behind because of the nature of the type of sho
  11. your definatly going about things the right way...many beaters have a bit of rough shooting and will usualy take new beater friends along with them once they are trusted but be sure not to rush it as you dont want your new beater friends to think your only there for what you can get.Good beaters take their job very seriously and dont like to feel as if they are being taken for one . Good luck mate,welcome to the site and happy hunting
  12. If you just trim the hairs square on the end of one of thems tail like "chalkwarren" says you will be able to tell them apart and you dont have to do it every time as their hair dosnt grow back to quickly on their tail. Be sure to be carefull though and make sure its only hair you trim
  13. looks a cracking pup fella....the same happend to me 13yrs ago now mate.I retired the "pup" last year and he has been the best dog I have ever owned and ever likey to mate. They say you get a dog in a lifetime and i'm certain he has been mine. ATB with him mate
  14. i agree but if Hare is shot with a shotgun by an experienced shot and killed humanely then it would be much more humane than if it was run by a dog because it would just be bolted and shot but if it was run by a dog it would go through a huge amount of fear and excaustion As we are talking about hare SHOOTS whats the difference between a hare being put up three fields away by a beater and chased to a gun or being put up by a dog & handler given 100yrds grace and chased three fields to either its fate or escape. as for fear/humanity have you evr seen the look on a hares face when it
  15. Well done fella..nice little chill out... just the sort of day to remember mate....happy days
  16. I have to agree there stubby...although alot of ferrets do work quite well in their first year all of the ferrets i have ever owned(and that is a lot over the years i can assure you)work better and are more methodical in their second year. stick with em mate they will get their in the end.At least if they are coming out of different holes that you have entered them into they are trying and thats all you can ask from a youngster ATB
  17. all nice dogs mate....like the fawn pup though mate..got a cracker on your hands there fella
  18. you are quite a way from me mate,well prob just over an hour but if you cant find anyone closer mate give me a shout. I'd rather travle and have a day out with ya than you loose your permission mate....got to keep these farmers happy cheers mate try to keep them happy will let ya know No worries mate .seriously mate if your stuck let me know its not a problem. ATB
  19. you are quite a way from me mate,well prob just over an hour but if you cant find anyone closer mate give me a shout. I'd rather travle and have a day out with ya than you loose your permission mate....got to keep these farmers happy
  20. "JACK" Saluki x Greyhound....fairly good at night on bunnys...better in the daytime though
  21. well done fella...pup looks a cracker
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