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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. Lets have it right boys lines are down right dangerous to ferrets and often leathal...This is not just my opinion but a time proven fact especialy in headge rows and wooded areas were a ferret can soon hang himself on roots. I'm sure that most people on here that have served a long apprentiship with the little critters will agree and most will have heard of, witnessed or infact themself lost a good working ferret to these death traps.I would always advise a locator as it make for a much more enjoyable day when you know were your workers are but if yoou dont want to make the investment put them
  2. Happy days fella....nice way to spend a morning ATB
  3. Well done lads....good on yer. Handy little earths them for young dogs mate wish I had a few more like them..make sure you lookafter them mate not many left that handy. ATB
  4. As much as I love being out with the lamp I personly don't think there is anything to match a good dog on "good quarry" in the day time. One dog on one "good quarry" in a big field and you can see it all.As close to perfection as you can get IMHO. Well untill some load of dogooder muppets with no understanding went and threw a spanner in the works. ATB
  5. Bad times fella...What is the main reason that she wants rid of this dog.if its just because he's being a bugger can you not just keep putting her off until he grows up a bit afterall the longer he's there the more chance youve got of keeping him. Try to keep it civil mate afterall you only get one mum but if all else fails youll have to lock her out and claim squaters rights hey? ATB
  6. Oh "GET THEM OUT (.)(.)" you are my hero.one day I hope to be a great hunter like you and have such wonderfull dogs...We are not worthy
  7. It dose work mate no doubt about it but it's not just a case of shaking a lamp at a bunny and it lays on its back and waits for rover to pick him up. It is one of those things that takes practice and a knack but if you keep at it it'll definatley put more bunnys in the bag mate. Another good trick is when buggs is on his toes and you have slipped your dog switch your lamp off for just a second or two and the rabbit will slow giving your dog an edge.Again it takes practice but will definatly give you better bags when your use to it. Hope this helps ATB
  8. Happy days mate...Well done on getting him back.ATB to you your gal and the little fella. Hope you have a good Christmas to make up for some of his hart ache mate hey???
  9. Cracking looking pup that mate....ATB with it
  10. Sure is mate.....I have never been able to find better ATB
  11. I've got two of these that I have used for years and only ever changed the bulb twice but both times its been because ive dropped the lamp as i have been putting it in to the back of the truck at the end of the night,never had one dim or just blow though.....That said you just know whats going to happen tonight now dont you Think I'll take a spear with me now ATB
  12. Cracking pics fella. Some hardcore terrier work their mate. ATB
  13. Cracking topic "eastmids" a real good read and a stunning selection of quuality dogs on show from all especialy from "PIKEYS" Kennles. Top class I myself prefer a dog but lets have it right what cant speek cant lie and I think this topic proves that it's not what they have between their legs but infact what beats in their chest that makes them great dogs (or bithes as the case may be). ATB
  14. She looks the proper job mate...A credit to you fella ATB
  15. Fair play to ya gal. I hope your good with a spade mate that looks like it would take some digging.Well done mate. "HAPPY DAYS" ATB
  16. Try chinning the next rabbit,one hand firmly around the back of the neck and the other under its chin.Push the chin up untill you feel the neck go loose.Done right it is a very quick dispatch and can be done while the rabbit is still in the net. Well said "robroy" definatly the best method of dispatch (IMHO) quick,humane & as said can be done in the net even if your in a tight spot.Chin em it never fails. ATB
  17. Nice woodcock pic mate...they make great eating
  18. R.I.P "DITTZA" lost him this april to a tragic accident. Gutted as good a little terrier as you could wish for.
  19. Give her time mate and I'm sure she'll do you proud lamping rabbits.I tend to go for larger dogs between 24"-28" for reasons that suit my own interests and although they do very well on lamped rabitts some of my mates have little beddy/whippets like yours and they can make my bigger dogs look silly on some nights. as long as she dose what you want from her thats all you can ask and I'm sure she will ATB
  20. good advice. soon as th dog see's the movement of the rabbit and has been slipped. flick the lamp off and on, a second or two depending on distance. the rabbit will usualy stop running giving the dog time to get abit closer, making abit more ground takes abit of getting used to but when you have mastered it's easy Top tip this one.I've bin lamping for as long as I can remember but only learnt this trick fairly recently and it can make some great differences to your bag once you get the hang of it
  21. well done mate....good haul We were out last night and got 11 as well but that was with two dogs.still chuffed though..Happy days ATB
  22. Nice set up mate ..looks very good... A credit to you fella
  23. well done mate happy days.....I lost a jill a few years ago from her hutch in my hay barn. she was an albino jill and had been missing for over 4 months when my wife found her in the same barn she went missing from whilst clearing old bales out ready for new ones. best of it was 7 days latter she gave birth to 9 Kitts 7 of them polecat colours so I'm guessing I wasn't the only one localy that lost a ferret at the time. Nobody ever came forward with maintenance payments though ATB
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