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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. Looks a little belter mate....hope he makes the grade for you ATB
  2. Just a couple of black belters mate.......Need say no more ATB
  3. For fucksake, they have only just been entered, baying for over an hour before surfacing is pretty good for his 1st real job. Im more than pleased with the way he worked today. He done me proud! Its no wonder nobody likes you, coming out with shit like that! Take no notice mate....You have been honest and there is always someone on here ready to knock you fella.You have had some good terriermen comment on this post that quite rightly say you should hold your head up high. To suggest getting shot of a terrier because it left its quarry after an hour to ground with it and then goes st
  4. Well done fella....Keep at em mate. Nice looking dog bud ATB
  5. Looks the real deal fella....I hope she works as good as she looks for you mate ATB
  6. Fair play to ya fella....good honest post.I don't knock people for running them at night as its each to their own but never do it myself,Takes a good dog to catch them in the daytime in my neck of the woods(or did before the ban ) and I'm prouder of my dogs for taking 1-2 daytime hares(shot and retreived of course)than 10 a night under the lamp. Every man for his own sport I know, and I understand and respect that but I'd rather miss them in the day than kill them at night personly. ATB
  7. As the other guys say fella it certainly wasn't all for nothing,lessons learnt for you and a better understanding of your dogs has got to be a good thing and lets face it you got to break through to your dog doing as it should so every ones a winner. I like many was lucky enough to acommpany some great terriermen on stacks of digs before I ventured out on my own which obviously makes things a lot easyer but by the sounds of things you and your dogs did good mate and just need to polish up a few bits and bobs which will sure come by getting out there and doing it buddy. Also you know you p
  8. To be fair mate they make almost as much second hand as the new m3 ones do new and the m3 collar works fine with the mk1 knocker box that you have so unless you can find a really cheap second hand one I would suggest you would be better off with the new m3m collar. Hope this helps ATB
  9. They some times do this when they get damp mate.Make sure you keep it in the house when not in use and out of the elements as much as possible when you are out in the field mate. I've had a few behave like this over the years and touch wood I've always found that keeping them dry and giving them a warm on the air vent of the trucks heater before I start in the morning has always done the job for me fella. ATB
  10. top advice you've had here buddy.as said he could maybe do with a bit of weight shaving but as he gets fitter that should come fella. I recon if you take it back to basics nice and steady like,give pleanty of over the top praise when his recall goes well you should have a nice all round dog there mate. Good luck with him mate I'm sure he'll come right in the end ATB
  11. It shouldn't take to long mate.Usualy when they get the idear that your not coming down when they cry they soon settle down after a few nights. I usually find that leaving a radio on very low helps as they feel as though there is sombody there for company. What ever you do though mate don't return to it once you have left it if it starts crying as if he learns that crying gets you back to him you'll have a heap of trouble on your hands mate ATB
  12. Good for you mate. Too much thoughtless breeding IMHO. I think what Stubby's trying to say is that if the technology is there you should use it. As much for the ferret's sake as for yours. it was more a case of you saying that they didnt use locators years ago, so you dont, and me saying years ago they would'ent have a snipped hob, its not impossible to stop ferts breeding without one, where did I say you couldent use it for ferreting I have snipped and castrated that are used Personally i just dont want a locator,i dont see the point but if i wanted to i will try one
  13. Top class fella. Awsome post,pics,dog and mates you have there buddy.A real show of propper terrier & terriermen. Hat off to you all ATB
  14. Well done fella keep at em mate....Nice read and pics mate...Nice looking bitch as well ATB
  15. Very nice mate...good luck with him fella ATB
  16. Very nice mate....good luck with it ATB
  17. Well done chap....Keep at em fella ATB
  18. Pleased to hear it fella.good luck with the pups mate I hope they turn out crackers far you. ATB
  19. Top notch fella....keep at em ATB
  20. I recon a nice little russle is what your after mate ATB
  21. Top lass mate.them pups are a credit to you fella. ATB
  22. Oh dear....here we go again How many pages will we get up to with this one lads? ATB
  23. Shocking mate....I'm gutted for you fella. Keep your chin up and your spade down mate.don't let the brain dead actions of a moron do you out of what you obviously love. Easy for us to say I know mate but I'm sure you'll regret it if you down tools now. I think we can all learn a lesson from your misfortune buddy and not go out with people that we don't trust impecably. I know I have,several times and even said to myself "he's an accident waiting to happen"but never again mate,not after reading this. my thoughts are with you fella RIP little fella ATB
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