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Everything posted by fensaluki

  1. As above mate you dont want your digging dogs marking rabbits so again this is a good thing ATB
  2. Many good terriers will not look twice at an earth unless it is occupied.Personaly I would be very dissapointed if my terriers did anything else.I would personaly say that a dog "getting stuck in" to empty earths or pipes is pretty much false marking. Just my opinion and it's each to his own I know but to my mind showing no intrest in empty earths is more of a possitive than a negitive.Above all though mate remember that he is still very young to be working to ground so take your time with him. ATB
  3. Best of luck with breeding your litter mate...hope all turns out well for you,should be handy little dogs them ATB
  4. Nice pup mate....hope he turns out well for you ATB
  5. Got a couple of litters here just over two weeks old so they'll be ready in 4-6 weeks. Your welcome to what ever you want from them as long as your going to work them and lookafter them well. ATB sounds good.have got tons off work 4 em.and they wiil be well looked after.judgin by your name FENsaluki im guessin your not that close to me though??. Bugger sorry mate I didn't look at your location. I'm in cambs mate so its a little way off you. But if you fancy a ride out when their ready your more than welcome to whatever you want fella ATB a day out to get some kits reckon i c
  6. My polecat Jill was lined again this year by my sandy Hob.She has had 8 kitts 4 dark polecat and 4 that look to be Sandy. The same two ferrets mated last year with simlar results. she had seven kitts and I think it was 4 polecats and 3 sandys but it may have been the other way round(me old memory isn't what it was) ATB
  7. Look like fine little fellas mate. nice size litter. All remaining should get pleanty from mum. ATB
  8. Still a real credit to you mate.even more so to be fair. ATB
  9. Thats what it's all about mate....He's a credit to you. Nice looking pup to. ATB
  10. Very nice mate.looks a little belter.....Be nice to see how she grows fella. ATB
  11. Very good point mate. they have the same potential to make world beaters ( or not ) as any other cross and you do tend to find that most of the knockers have never owned one because off what they have heard. entering these dogs in the correct way and plenty of patience is the key as you quite rightly say. Taffybull....I'll get some pics up of my 1st cross and his son for you as soon as i can get them onto this new laptop mate. ATB
  12. Bad times mate....Gutted for you both. R.I.P. Charlie ATB
  13. Looks like a handy type of animal that one mate. Hell of a size for a 7 month pup fella he'll take some stopping once he gets going. ATB
  14. Good advice missRhianL. worth adding though as soon the puppys start getting around make sure that there is some suitable food around for them to start exploring which will help the bitch and start the weaning progress making it a longer and less stressfull progress for both her and the pups. she will let you and the pups know when the time is right so keep your eye on her and it will all happen without a worry. ATB
  15. Same as any other cross mate you'll get good uns and bad uns.Only difference I find personly is that they dont tend to be average.if you get a good one it tends to be a bit special but if its not it tends to be easyer to chase your quarry yourself. I'm lucky enough to have what I consider to be a good one and wouldn't part with him for the world.he's very consistant day and night and goes about his buisness with very little fuss or hastle. They do tend to take a while to mature though mate and I have to wonder weather there has been a few dogs with potential to be tidy given up on early for th
  16. Maybe just her hormones then mate,Thinking she should be in kitt if she's not.You know what woman are like hey.But keep a close eye on her bedding though fella she certainly sounds to be in kitt and it would be gutting to throw some kitts out with her old bedding by mistake. Sounds a stupid thing to say mate I know but I've nearly done it before with Jills I never thought were preagnant. Best of luck with her though mate and as long as she seems healthy enough in her self I'm sure she will sort her self out within a day or to by either calming back down to normal or giving you some more h
  17. It dose happen mate but to be honest I've kept ferrets for over 25 years,Always had pleanty of Jills in my hutches and never actualy had a phantom with any of them myself although I have heard of it with friends ferrets.Did you have the hob vasectimised yourself or at least do you know and trust the fella that you got him from ? ATB
  18. Hi mate, not a silly question at all, but i do change bedding every other day and havent seen anything, the hob was supposed to be vasectimised, but i've seen enough posts on here to know it dont always work!! I'l keep an eye on her over next few days and see if there's any little suprises for me!! Cheers for the advice mate No worries mate.Have you noticed any sighns of her being in season over the last few weeks as if she is empty of kitts and not been lined she should still be bang in and swollen mate. Although if your vasectimised hob covered her just before you lost him it is pos
  19. I'm not wanting to ask a silly question fella but have you checked her sleeping quarters / nest. Sounds to me like she has either had or expecting kitts.If she was housed with a hob untill April then it seems even more likley that shes got kits about now. Many jills that are as placid as the day is long turn like this when they are protecting young.Ihave two doing the exact same as we speek. Have a look you might just get a supprise ATB
  20. Shocking mate.....Bad news that....I would suggest the two you have left were slightly away from the rest and the scum never relised they were there else bet your bottom dollar you would have lost them to mate. I've reared orfan kitts of around that age before on cheap mince and very fine strips of chopped up rabbit and they came through a treat. Good luck mate ATB
  21. Got a couple of litters here just over two weeks old so they'll be ready in 4-6 weeks. Your welcome to what ever you want from them as long as your going to work them and lookafter them well. ATB sounds good.have got tons off work 4 em.and they wiil be well looked after.judgin by your name FENsaluki im guessin your not that close to me though??. Bugger sorry mate I didn't look at your location. I'm in cambs mate so its a little way off you. But if you fancy a ride out when their ready your more than welcome to whatever you want fella ATB
  22. I use both mate and they both have their advantages and dis advantages over each other but unless you can find a real clean,little used mrk 1 at a very cheap price the smart money these days has to go on the mrk 3. I always have at least one grey box knocking around in my truck as a back up as they will pick up any of the collars but this is a luxury that I can afford as i've picked them up cheap over the years. Reliability realy has to come first which will now always end up with the mrk three on top ATB
  23. Got a couple of litters here just over two weeks old so they'll be ready in 4-6 weeks. Your welcome to what ever you want from them as long as your going to work them and lookafter them well. ATB
  24. roll on winter....long nights lamping and easy digging

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