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Everything posted by nellandbran

  1. really hope you get the news you want, and get your dogs back, good luck
  2. hope your pups are doing well, I'm sure they are, don't listen to the perfect people that never make mistake's [not], and the jab is'nt 100%
  3. To be fair, the sire n kaash have similar, kennal names kaash is Captivating captain n the sire to this bitch is Captivating cruiser and they are similar bred, plus kaash sired dam to bitch nand if i'm not mistaken I think dam is out of my bitch and she's a cruise line bitch [ thats one to cabbage your head lol]
  4. JUST GOES TO SHOW? WILL IT NOT TELL HIM ON THE PAPER,S WHAT THE SIRE IS IF HE GOT THE PAPER,S WITH THE DOG HAPPEN,S ALOT THAT DOES SAME THING HAPPEN,S WITH KAHN ASWELL PEOPLE SAY IT,S BRED FROM HIM ON HERE BUT THE GOOD THING IS MACCA IS ON AND PUT,S THEM RIGHT BEEN DOING A WEE BIT HOME WORK L LOL had the sire's brother last year, but he had a bad accident and had to have him put to sleep, I don't think i'll ever get over it, but time's a good healer
  5. she's a lovely bitch, but she's not sired by kaash, the sire is a cream dog n he is kaash's half brother they have same dam, i'm sure your gonna have some good fun with her
  6. heard that pure never seen any game .its a money old game who said he has'nt seen any game?
  7. good luck with your pups, I'm sure they will be a nice strong litter, just for the record I had an accident similar to yours [it happens], the litter is turning out to be a good mistake
  8. I do that with my dogs, I take my pup to school with me when I am picking my lads up, he has about half a dozen 4 n 5 year old round him at a time, he loves it
  9. lovely picture's n he looks very good with your little boy
  10. sure im putting my pups pics on here so when the dog thieving kunts look on here then find out were you live no what they looking for ,once iv told them the breed ,silly kunt he did say if anyone WOULD LIKE TO, there is no need to be nasty, an your little outburst was'nt called for, there are plenty of people that post picture's and as I see it I don't think the addresses have been posted along with their photo's get a grip
  11. Now ,that sounds like a liability please explain ,how it was any good as a working dog ? he sounds like a rspca officer now, grow up
  12. unfortunatly, not the same now, had great times, following the holcombe hunt, if I was on foot took their terriers with me, I was only a kid loved it, took a hound to school once, to do a talk on them for my then c,s,e in english got a good mark as well lol happy days
  13. Do hounds still show at peterbough, and there was a show going towards penrith as well never saw so many hunts, but I'm talking over 30 years ago now, I know most hunts in this country went to peterbough massive show I never went but would have liked to
  14. what about the huntsman, he's a nice man, puts a lot into his hounds, plus the last huntsmans wife still lives there between them I bet they could have some good info for you
  15. What about holcombe hunt, its one of the oldest harrier pack in this country, live near to them, see them all the time, the kennals have been there a long time, a lot of good history with it
  16. +1. each one to his own, but personally I love the dogs
  17. have 2 bitches n 2 dogs done, no problems what so ever
  18. when I first got my bitch she was 18months old, a terrible eater and abag of bones, she eats great now everything I put in front of her and she's still a bag of bones lol, I've put it down to the breed.
  19. about 27tts You won't see many bitches at that size, she does look all legs, an I bet they are fast legs as well
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