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Everything posted by all.rounder

  1. nice looking dog mate.good luck with him
  2. this is a photo of me and my bitch it was her 3rd time out.but the rabbits ware all sitters.she was 8 months at the time. but some take longer than others so keep at it and it will fall into place
  3. mate.i took my bitch out lamping by herself when she was 8 months.and she learnt herself. so i wouldn't worry about it.if you've got you own land to hunt keep it to yourself.this is my bitches 3rd time out.
  4. happy birthday.have a good one
  5. yes Ur right.Ive been at this game for over 25 years and the shit you here from some of the young lads is unbelievable.they don't want to learn anything.its their way or no way.and they seam to change their dogs like you change your socks.they wont give a dog aa chance to mature
  6. good on ye poacher.you cant beat ireland/northern ireland for the pike fishing or any other sort of fishing.
  7. i had a brother and sister out of the same litter.the brother was always getting into the bitch my wife told me to get red of the dog before it killed the bitch.anyway i was on night shift and my mate took the dog out lamping.when i got back from work my wife said to go and have a look at the dog when i went out to the dog run the dog was laying dead.it had run into a stonebridge on the golf course.what am sayinig is ithink he would have ended up killing the bitch.
  8. i will be doing a lot of fishing,and i will take my dog with me any ware that's possible.i will take her mostly out for mackerel of the rocks and along sandy beaches
  9. seam here lad i was out to day all i got was a small jack and a few runs
  10. nice cross of lurcher mate hope all goes well with him nice pup
  11. has anyone hared of any mackerel being caught on Belfast lough yet.
  12. i was down on are secret lake last week and took this photo of the pike getting ready to spawn i no its a bit late in the year it must have been something to do with the weather.the big hen fish must have been about 16 or 17lb if you look closely at the pic you can see the we jack beside her.
  13. nice one mate.me and a few mates are going down to the Arne for the mayfly at the end of the month.we are taking the boat with us and bivvying out on one of the islands.we will take are pike gear two
  14. nice trout.suppose theirs no point in asking you ware you got them from.PS don't tell me their may be some poles logged in and they'll clean the river out
  15. best way pal, tell no f****r, those little spots that hasnt been touched mite hold some nice ones, i use to know of a place just like that which held some monsters in and it was only about 3ft deep and very silted up place, i use to love going there and would of loved to take my son cos you was almost guaranteed a good un but i showed someone like a knob only for him to take someone else and so on, then it turned into some thing like you'd see on a match, heres what i use to catch, atb but for f**k sake keep it to yourselfs, let us know how you get on, some nice pike ther mate
  16. going to a new bit of water 2marrow let yous no how i get on.had to take the photo of because my mate didn't wont any one recognizes him.or the back ground of the pic.its a bit of water that the farmer says on one has fished for years.cant wait to fish it.hopefully i will get something big so i can put up a pic.
  17. : my 17 month old bitch shes 24.tts collie x gray.
  18. try taking her out with an their dog that's doing the bizz
  19. i wouldn't call them lurcher men.wankers come to mind :wankerzo4:
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