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Everything posted by all.rounder

  1. i think they all go through a period at about that age between 8 and 12 months.just keep at it.
  2. smelt and mackerel for float and bottom
  3. well lads was on Belfast lough yesterday and got 3 mackerel of the rocks i had 5 on but 2 drop of as i was lifting them up the rocks.so i hope this is the start of them.going down again on wednesday.
  4. i started mine at 8 months on the lamp and out once a week.and this was her 2nd time out
  5. my bitch has killed alot of squirrels over the last year but i give them to my mate for his ferrets. my brother lives in Canada and he says that they eat them all the time.
  6. dose any one know hi to do potted mackerel
  7. i didn't think you ware aloud to use powerbait on fisheries i know Ur not over here.but with the money their taking of you to kill 2 fish is unbelievable.i think some of them are looking up to £16.so if your paying that sort of money i would take a tin of sweetcorn with me just to make sure i went home with the 2 fish what i paid for.
  8. sorry about ur dog mate.bad luck.
  9. nice pup mate good luck with her.
  10. me and my mate ware out after hares one morning. the best place's for them is at a graveyard not far from ware we live.well that morning we went up was about six in the morning we ware waiting till it got a bit lighter so my mate spots 2 hares at the bottom of the field beside the crematorium.so he says to me to hold the dogs and he will go round behind them and Chase them up towards me.so am standing their with my dogs and all of a sudden i hear john john john like in a whisper a turned round and side ware are you cos i thought it was my mate.the next thing my mate comes up too me and says w
  11. pollack and mackerel mate.am going to have a go myself with the fly rod good luck.
  12. fcukin hell.and that was from a coursing club.a would like to see what they course theirs noting comes to mind that can be so slow for them dogs to catch
  13. are you fishing from a boat or rocks mate.it good that someones getting them.
  14. well went down and got fcuk all.i will try again next week.they ware in this time last year.every thing seams to be fcuked up
  15. well lads am going out to see if theirs any mackerel about i will let you know hi i get on.
  16. :welcomeani: and all the best with Ur greyhound.she looks like my bitch
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