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Everything posted by all.rounder

  1. good looking lurchers.i would send some pics in if i new high 2
  2. if you have a collie x greyhound would you send some pics in ,
  3. nice pic mate.like the look off that black dog.
  4. hi mate am from belfast to would you tell me ware they ware shot .
  5. thank god i live in northen.ireland
  6. i rate them to i have one of my own shes one year old 2day. she doing well at rabbits on the lamp.shes a half bred collie x greyhound.
  7. had a blueeye about 20 years ago it was the in thing then i think it was 300.000c.p it did me ok. bout the blubs ware about a tener then. and esay broken
  8. a nice looking bitch .what way is she bread. looks very like my pup.
  9. had one that did foxs years ago she was outstanding she was 23in rabbits.hare.and fox and the odd duck from the lake we lamped round. she lived till she was 12 and they still talk about her in the bar we drink in.i still miss her what a dog
  10. hope it is,nt the place u took me and peggy lamping, we need all the lamping spots we can get
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