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Everything posted by all.rounder

  1. took 7 one night in the one field.but the fields we hunt must be much smaller
  2. i would go for bedlington.x whippet.one that would make 22\23tts
  3. looks like my bitch.shes a year old
  4. geoff.c is right in what he says. all the lurcher men in ayr will have the finger pointed at them.come on the ayr lads lets see a result on this one.
  5. had one at 19inch she was shit.lucky a old man took her for a pet.she was a whippet.x.something.put me of whippets for life. i only keep collie x grayhound
  6. going out lamping 2night. ment 2 be geting winds up to 20\30
  7. can i go with you.no\one will take me anywhere they say i never fack up.i have a ferret its 3 months old its akilling machine. it never bolts anything it kills them down the holes.its a flying machine in.and out in no time never lies up. :
  8. fackin sick.fack them all out.
  9. i had the odd ferret about 20 years ago but they already workin when i got them.
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